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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Britain Moves Inexorably to a Fascist State--and We Are Following Right Along

Lib Dems attack 'Labour mountain of 1,000 new regulations,' by Brendan Carlin, Political Correspondent, (Filed: 09/02/2005).

My very good friend, Mark Alexander, from "across the pond" keeps me posted on the lemming-like behaviour of the Tony Blair government. Labour, as they call themselves, seeks to create the total state, taking the Nanny State to the Regulatory State onto the Total State. They are doing it fascist style. People are being told what they may do and may not do with their lives and property in England by the State. The people, constrained by severe loss of their rights as humans to liberty and property, are forced to do the State's bidding. If there are any expenses or problems, they accrue to the affected citizens, not the State.

Apparently whipping Hitler 50 years ago was not enough. Now they want to be Hitler.

Racism is not inherent to fascism. It was to Nazism, but Nazism was the fascist variety of socialism. With vast power in the hands of a fascist government, however, power-lusters lust to use power as did Hitler.

Check this out:

"Labour has heaped up a "mountain" of new rules and criminal offences, the Liberal Democrats claimed yesterday.

"Since Tony Blair came to power the Government had brought into being or amended more than 1,000 [new rules and criminal offenses]...

"They included the unauthorised selling of hotdogs in the Royal Parks and introducing a maximum penalty of six months' imprisonment for allowing an unlicensed concert in a church hall...the Home Office created 367 since 1997, the Department of Transport 113, and the Department of Trade and Industry 123."

The USA follows right behind using exactly the same process with the same effect.

The cure is return to the proper function of government, which is solely the protection of the fundamental rights of its citizens, and not to provide largess while calling that largess "rights." A whole lot of thinking has to occur in a woefully unschooled and ignorant population of today first. Until then, one measure would emulate the effect of the little Dutch boy's putting a finger in the dike by making all regulations and laws, future, present, and past expire in 3-5 years unless renewed by 2/3 of each house of Congress. Not only would we rid ourselves of laws and regulations which have no value, we would tie up these "law makers" into trying to decide which of the millions to renew each year and getting the 2/3rds votes in the House and in the Senate to do it.

The same process should go on at the state, county, and local levels at well.

Imagine life with you in charge of yourself instead of some local, state, federal nannies, and think of the monies saved. Intoxicating thoughts!


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