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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Appeasing Ourselves into Nuclear War

Iran says no external pressure will stop its nuke program, Associated Press, March 12, 2005, IRAN0313

TEHRAN, Iran — Neither threats nor incentives will alter Iran's
pursuit of its nuclear program, the Iranian foreign ministry said today, defying new moves by the European Union and the United States to ensure Tehran never develops a nuclear bomb.

The show of bluster and defiance came a day after the Bush administration softened its stance on how to thwart Iran's suspected nuclear arms program, agreeing to support a European plan that offers economic incentives for the Tehran government to give up any weapons ambitions.

Why does all of this "negotiating" take so long? Why are the results always so pathetic? The answer is always the same: You cannot negotiate with bullies from a position of weakness.

Iran knows that we can be pushed around. Syria knows the same. No one but us really cares what the spineless Europeans think; they quit being strong many decades ago and may never be strong again.

Using the ports, rails, roads, utilities, and government buildings in Syria for bombing practice would get the attention and respect of Syria, thus their cooperation. It would go just so far because we have played the weakness game since World War II, and all of the world sees us as exploitable and cowardly--until some ne'er-do-well pushes us to complete extreme, causing us to react. Even then, we take limited measures like Pres. Bush is doing.

Taking out Iran's ports, rails, etc., and its oil delivery systems would be a good start. Add to that the complete obliteration of Qom for maximum symbolic value. Then, we could stage Israeli aircraft from our Middle Eastern bases and aircraft carriers and support their taking out ALL of Iran's nuclear whatevers. There would be considerable symbolic value in that as well, and we would get their attention. While doing this, publicly incite and publicly and matierially support revolution in Iran, and take full responsibility to see that the right people get in, and make the mullahs "disappear."

For dessert, tell the Saudis that they have one week to close all their (Wahhabi) madrassas worldwide and all of their organizations and "schools" in America. Sheets and towels would fly--because they would know that we meant it.

None of this will happen. What will happen is that we will wring hands, try to buy off the baddies, and talk-talk-talk with Europeans and the baddies. They will grow stronger, develop nuclear weapons, and they will use them--on us.



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