"History is philosophy teaching by example." (Lord Bolingbroke)

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Monday, April 04, 2005


We seriously doubt that there would be much regarding this professor to support, except for one super-powerful principle. We do not support Muslims and pro-Islamists because we have studied Islam and the history of Muslim behavior for nearly 1500 years, and the doctrine as well as the practitioners are like a disease scourge which should be eradicated. That is our approach in the West to diseases, and protecting Islam would be like protecting smallpox, Ebola, syphillis, and so on.

VcU professor will instruct via video, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A Virginia Commonwealth University professor of Islamic studies will be teaching her classes through video conferencing for the remainder of the semester because of concerns for her safety.

Amina Wadud sparked international controversy recently when she led an Islamic prayer service that was attended by both men and women.

Yet, there is a principle to be upheld here. In America, unlike in Islamia, this professor can profess. We may not, and probably will not, like what she professes. But the Constitution, which Islam wants to replace with shari'a, protects her right to profess.

Islamic tradition calls for men and women to pray separately. Many Islamic clerics condemned her participation in the service, which was conducted in New York.

If we are to preserve our way of life, we must stand solidly behind our own principles. These will fairly often protect those we do not want to hear and what they have to say. We, who try to uphold reality-reason-rights-and capitalism, do not fear the speakers or the speech. We fear those who try to violate that right.

A VCU spokeswoman indicated that the decision to move Wadud out of the classroom came after a security review.

Now this professor professes via closed-circuit television on a campus, where freedom of speech and academic freedom are supposedly enshrined. As an aside, these are some chickens coming home to roost for academia because they have lost the concept of freedom of speech and diversity of ideas in favor of shutting down political viewpoints of which the mass of the postmodernist professors disapprove.

Are Americans shutting down and threatening this professor? No. Muslims are.

What is happening on a larger scale is the ceaseless wearing us down until we let them take over. They think they can do it because they have been meeting with success throughout morally uncertain American and morally decadent Europe. It is time for Muslims to repent Islam or go back to the sand box.


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