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Friday, June 17, 2005

Another War, Another Betrayal by Politicians and Journalists

The American military did not lose the Vietnam War; American politicians and their handmaidens, the American press, did. Soldiers fight to win battles, politicians and diplomats parse sentences and words, hoping to gain advantage, political turf and power. It seems that we are going through the same process again.

The American people have a short attention span. They were hoping that the Battle for Iraq would follow the same pattern as the first Gulf War that was won in a few days. They aren't interested in prosecuting a protracted war, one that will essentially take decades or perhaps generations to win as will the so-called war on "Terrorism."

Our enemies study us as much or more than we study them. They know that we pulled out from recent conflicts in Beirut and Somalia and they are hoping that we will lose our stomach for war in this conflict.

When you go to war, fight to win. Are some polticians and journalists giving aid and comfort to the enemy?

For months commentators and politicians have been making demoralizing predictions of doom that often have the habit of becoming true. It's as if they want the United States to lose.


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