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Monday, June 06, 2005

A Troubling Unrest in Mexico and In the American West

Long a bastion of Catholicism, southern Mexico is quickly turning into a battleground for soul-savers. Islam, too, is gaining a foothold and the indigenous Mayans are converting by the hundreds. The Mexican government is worried about a culture clash in their own backyard.

Some of the indigenous people of Mexico and the American Southwest are rejecting Christianity in a search for their roots. Instead of returning to the culture of the Aztecs, Maya, and other groups that were present at the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century. Spaniards took great pains to make converts to Catholicism and more recently Protestant denominations have made numbers to converts.

Religion is only one part of the process; the other parts are culture and politics. In many parts of the world, Christianity is seen a tool of oppression; ironically Islam is not.
Even today Catholics of pure Spanish descent lord over both mixed-race Hispanics and "Indians," the original inhabitants of the Americas, using the term "Indian" as an insult. Their hope is to get better treatment from Muslims.

"In Islam, race plays no role," the young man says joyously. His enthusiasm is understandable. After all, in his home state of Chiapas, Mexico's poorest, the indigenous people are viewed as second class humans, and whites and Mestizos treat the Indian majority as if they weren't there. In the southern Mexican provincial metropolis San Cristóbal de las Casas, the descendants of the Maya even have to move onto the street if a white person approaches them on the sidewalk.

Lamenting the loss of their economic and cultural power, Indians also hope that the promises made in Islam will restore them to their cultural and economic roots.
The Mexican government is worried about the Influence of Islam. The PRI, a "mafia-esque state part" that recently was voted out of national power is still in control in Chiapas, although their power is waning.

It is said that five Catholic families rule Mexico. Their hold over the population is now at risk. For decades they sent their excess population north to work in the United States. The safety valve of the North seems no longer to be working for them.

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The United States is also at risk in this process. Mestizos, mixed-race peoples of Spanish and Indian blood, and Indians of pure blood from Mexico, Central, and South America have been streaming across the southern border for decades. The United States benefited from the labor of entrants that temporarily came to work, remitted home the salaries, and at the end returned to the small towns and villages that emptied every season as the migrants went north. The remitted wages of migrants make up the greater part of the economies of Mexico and other Central American countries. A fair exchange of labor for wages.

However, some entrants decided that wages are not enough and have decided to stay on without an invitation. They are putting a strain on the social services of the United States as the U.S. court system has decided that many are entitled to financial and medical services at taxpayer expense, services that were intended for taxpaying American citizens paying the bills. (Note: Some, but not all, entrants pay income taxes on their wages.)

They continue to come across the border in great numbers. Emboldened by their increasing numbers, some are demanding political power and even thinking about making a claim against the western territories for the purpose of rejoining these to Mexico. Mexican officials have made rash statements such as "The territory of Mexico now extends beyond its borders." Radicals in California have stated that "they are not immigrants, they are the indigenous peoples of the Americas and borders have no meaning to them." Hispanic candidates running for office in California have stated that now is "the last gasp of white America in California. It's all about power and from now on, power is ours."

Irredentist groups such as Mecha openly call for the return to Atzlan, a new country inhabiting the American Southwest and joined with Old Mexico. Los Angeles' new mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has been a member of Mecha. He recently renounced his involvement of many decades.

Now Islam is gaining a foothold in in the Americas. Islam has long been a presence in prisons of the Northern Hemisphere, releasing the resentful, possible jihadists back into neighborhoods. The news that Mexicans in Chiapas are converting at a record rate does not bode well for either Mexico or the United States. It is only natural that fleeing Christians will move north toward the border where special groups, insisting that they are only providing a public service and safeguarding migrants, assist them by providing information as to how to safely cross, once again using the U.S. as a safety valve.
Mexican and Southwestern Muslims have not openly threatened the United States. However the jihad is a threat wherever it is found and peace-keeping Muslims often are inspired to jihad at any moment as have so often done so all over the world.


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