The Greatest Con Game in History
Do you remember the Klingons? They had a technology that could shield their warships by rendering them invisible to the Federation Starships. This allowed them to attack, undetected until it was too late, anyone in the galaxy.
Islam has a "shield technology" too, and it is using it brilliantly.
They use their claim to be a legitimate "religion" to render their goal of world domination effectively invisible to their intended victims. Their claim that their cause is a sacred one renders them immune from scrutiny, and from appropriate response from the rest of us.
Here's the scoop:
In the West, we have a solid tradition of respect for independent thought, including the freedom to choose how we express our spiritual lives. Our spiritual choices are considered to be personal and free of compulsion from the government.
In the United States, this respect goes back to the very founding of the country; Thomas Jefferson, for example, said he didn't care if someone believed in twenty gods or none.
The Framers of the Constitution listened to a pre-Revolutionary writer named Robert Molesworth, whose thinking was considered pivotal in the justification of the Revolution. He had, among many other things, studied the matter of totalitarianism, and found that one of the most effective ways a government had of immunizing itself from criticism was to fuse with religion. If the state was able to pull off such a fusion, then it could be considered an agent of God rather than a human production. By that logic, any criticism or opposition could be elevated to the status of "sin" instead of mere honest intellectual disagreement.
Recall that the Founders justified the dissolution of political ties with Britain because King George III, whose position also made him the Head of the Church of England, had been in the habit of violating individual rights. One of the problems faced by the Colonists was that their criticism of the Crown was not well received, and the suggestions for change in policy were ignored.
The cardinal reason for the Revolution was to design a new country from scratch, where the sole function of the government was to protect individual rights. They did it, and for the first time in the history of mankind, a nation was born based on the Elightenment principles of reason and rights, and the very purpose of its existence was to protect individual rights.
The Declaration of Independence made it clear that should the government stray from that purpose, it was the right, even the obligation, of the citizens to alter or even abolish it.
Any fusion of religion with the state would run counter to the Framers' desire to protect the freedom of the citizens not only to choose their own way of expressing their spiritual lives, but of criticizing (to say nothing of altering or abolishing) the government.
This freedom was considered to be so important that these are the very first words in the Bill of Rights: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . ."
"Fusion" is thus Islam's gimmick, the "shield" it uses that allows it to fly under the radar to destroy our country.
Islam--"submission" in Arabic--is an entity where state and religion are totally fused. The Koran is their constitution in addition to being a manual of instruction on how to conquer the world. Sharia, the law of the Ummah, is the word of Allah himself, derived from Islam's canonical documents--the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sirat Rasul Allah.
The "religion-state complex," the fused entity called Islam, is therefore considered to be the creation of Allah, and it takes precedence over all things conceived or created by human beings--things like the United States and the Constitution. As a political science professor at Yale, Imam Zaid Shakir has said, "The Koran pushes us (Muslims) in the exact opposite direction to the forces at work in the American political spectrum." As a result, the Imam states the Muslims can't accept the legitimacy of the existing (American) system.
Since Islam considers itself to be the agent of Allah on earth, it considers as "sins" any questions, criticism or alteration of any kind, and obviously, it would never tolerate its abolition. Under sharia, the "sins" make the "heretic" or "apostate" thinking them eligible for the death penalty. This set of prohibitions against "immoral" thinking, speaking, and behavior, along with the religiously proscribed punishments implemented by Allah's agent on earth, Islam, is what scares the few followers of Islam who would like to see reform.
For those of us in the West, the thing that makes us so reluctant to reveal what's behind the PC Curtain is our complete respect for the freedom of anyone to believe whatever he wants.We feel very self-conscious about snooping into the personal beliefs of others. "Religion" is something one doesn't even bring up in polite conversation with people we don't know well. And that's OK; you can believe the moon is made of green cheese if you wish.
We in the West would be--and are--horrified by those among us who would impose, by law, their beliefs on others. Persuade, yes; compel, no. That's why we even have trouble believing, even while reading Islam's canonical documents, that terrorists are carrying out their religious obligations.
Not only are the active terrorists doing so, but so are those who support them by funding them, by sympathizing with their purpose, and by those who merely fail to object. These morepassive people are also carrying out their religious obligations. More than that, they have all have been granted the moral authority to do whatever it takes, up to and including murder and mayhem, to accomplish the goal that Mohammad set out when he established Islam. That was the original goal, and it remains the goal today--world conquest.
It is PRECISELY our respect for the freedom of the individual to choose his own spiritual life that makes us so reluctant to see the danger represented by the "Fusion." It's our own virtue being used to destroy us. If Mohammad had been able to see into the future, he could have done nothing that would have been more effective as a "stealth" weapon against us than his invention of his military machine and then calling it a "religion." So reluctant are we to examine Islam that we insist that terrorism etc. are the actions of a "tiny minority of extremists who have hijacked and perverted a great religion of peace and tolerance."
Our spiritual lives, in contrast to Islam's, don't involve religiously sanctioned/state funded terrorism, throat-slitting, RPG's, flogging, killing thousands by flying planes into skyscrapers, blowing up subways and school buses, and on, and on, and on, and on. . .That is the function of the state/religion complex of Islam.
If Islam's thinking and behavior were stripped clean of its self-appointed partnership with the divine, the West would have no problem seeing it for what it is--a world-wide gang of thugs bent on destroying us.
We tend to forget that while one may believe whatever he wishes, one may not ACT in a manner that violates the rights of another. That prohibition against the violation of rights includes religious expression. Such actions are the initiation of the use of physical force, and its intellectual equivalent, fraud and deceit. All of these--physical force, fraud and deceit--are weapons of war that are religiously sanctioned by Islam.
Osama openly declared war on us, but we just won't listen. Sometimes, someone will ask, "But how can we declare war, when there is no particular country that has attacked us? There are Muslims in every country in the world. What would the target be?"
The target is Islam.
We can, and ought to, openly declare war on Islam, wherever it exists. We must not allow its claim to be a product of the divine to render its ambitions and weapons invisible to us, and immune to a proper response. Sure, our method of fighting a war will have to shift to meet current conditions; so?
Yes, there are millions upon millions of Muslims around the world, operating in all countries to bring others into the Ummah, forcibly if need be, and working to create a world-wide Caliphate. However, the fact that millions of people today are followers of Islam because their ancestors had the misfortune to be intimidated and forced to become followers of Mohammad, alters nothing.
Millions of pious enemies are still enemies.
Do you remember the Klingons? They had a technology that could shield their warships by rendering them invisible to the Federation Starships. This allowed them to attack, undetected until it was too late, anyone in the galaxy.
Islam has a "shield technology" too, and it is using it brilliantly.
They use their claim to be a legitimate "religion" to render their goal of world domination effectively invisible to their intended victims. Their claim that their cause is a sacred one renders them immune from scrutiny, and from appropriate response from the rest of us.
Here's the scoop:
In the West, we have a solid tradition of respect for independent thought, including the freedom to choose how we express our spiritual lives. Our spiritual choices are considered to be personal and free of compulsion from the government.
In the United States, this respect goes back to the very founding of the country; Thomas Jefferson, for example, said he didn't care if someone believed in twenty gods or none.
The Framers of the Constitution listened to a pre-Revolutionary writer named Robert Molesworth, whose thinking was considered pivotal in the justification of the Revolution. He had, among many other things, studied the matter of totalitarianism, and found that one of the most effective ways a government had of immunizing itself from criticism was to fuse with religion. If the state was able to pull off such a fusion, then it could be considered an agent of God rather than a human production. By that logic, any criticism or opposition could be elevated to the status of "sin" instead of mere honest intellectual disagreement.
Recall that the Founders justified the dissolution of political ties with Britain because King George III, whose position also made him the Head of the Church of England, had been in the habit of violating individual rights. One of the problems faced by the Colonists was that their criticism of the Crown was not well received, and the suggestions for change in policy were ignored.
The cardinal reason for the Revolution was to design a new country from scratch, where the sole function of the government was to protect individual rights. They did it, and for the first time in the history of mankind, a nation was born based on the Elightenment principles of reason and rights, and the very purpose of its existence was to protect individual rights.
The Declaration of Independence made it clear that should the government stray from that purpose, it was the right, even the obligation, of the citizens to alter or even abolish it.
Any fusion of religion with the state would run counter to the Framers' desire to protect the freedom of the citizens not only to choose their own way of expressing their spiritual lives, but of criticizing (to say nothing of altering or abolishing) the government.
This freedom was considered to be so important that these are the very first words in the Bill of Rights: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . ."
"Fusion" is thus Islam's gimmick, the "shield" it uses that allows it to fly under the radar to destroy our country.
Islam--"submission" in Arabic--is an entity where state and religion are totally fused. The Koran is their constitution in addition to being a manual of instruction on how to conquer the world. Sharia, the law of the Ummah, is the word of Allah himself, derived from Islam's canonical documents--the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sirat Rasul Allah.
The "religion-state complex," the fused entity called Islam, is therefore considered to be the creation of Allah, and it takes precedence over all things conceived or created by human beings--things like the United States and the Constitution. As a political science professor at Yale, Imam Zaid Shakir has said, "The Koran pushes us (Muslims) in the exact opposite direction to the forces at work in the American political spectrum." As a result, the Imam states the Muslims can't accept the legitimacy of the existing (American) system.
Since Islam considers itself to be the agent of Allah on earth, it considers as "sins" any questions, criticism or alteration of any kind, and obviously, it would never tolerate its abolition. Under sharia, the "sins" make the "heretic" or "apostate" thinking them eligible for the death penalty. This set of prohibitions against "immoral" thinking, speaking, and behavior, along with the religiously proscribed punishments implemented by Allah's agent on earth, Islam, is what scares the few followers of Islam who would like to see reform.
For those of us in the West, the thing that makes us so reluctant to reveal what's behind the PC Curtain is our complete respect for the freedom of anyone to believe whatever he wants.We feel very self-conscious about snooping into the personal beliefs of others. "Religion" is something one doesn't even bring up in polite conversation with people we don't know well. And that's OK; you can believe the moon is made of green cheese if you wish.
We in the West would be--and are--horrified by those among us who would impose, by law, their beliefs on others. Persuade, yes; compel, no. That's why we even have trouble believing, even while reading Islam's canonical documents, that terrorists are carrying out their religious obligations.
Not only are the active terrorists doing so, but so are those who support them by funding them, by sympathizing with their purpose, and by those who merely fail to object. These morepassive people are also carrying out their religious obligations. More than that, they have all have been granted the moral authority to do whatever it takes, up to and including murder and mayhem, to accomplish the goal that Mohammad set out when he established Islam. That was the original goal, and it remains the goal today--world conquest.
It is PRECISELY our respect for the freedom of the individual to choose his own spiritual life that makes us so reluctant to see the danger represented by the "Fusion." It's our own virtue being used to destroy us. If Mohammad had been able to see into the future, he could have done nothing that would have been more effective as a "stealth" weapon against us than his invention of his military machine and then calling it a "religion." So reluctant are we to examine Islam that we insist that terrorism etc. are the actions of a "tiny minority of extremists who have hijacked and perverted a great religion of peace and tolerance."
Our spiritual lives, in contrast to Islam's, don't involve religiously sanctioned/state funded terrorism, throat-slitting, RPG's, flogging, killing thousands by flying planes into skyscrapers, blowing up subways and school buses, and on, and on, and on, and on. . .That is the function of the state/religion complex of Islam.
If Islam's thinking and behavior were stripped clean of its self-appointed partnership with the divine, the West would have no problem seeing it for what it is--a world-wide gang of thugs bent on destroying us.
We tend to forget that while one may believe whatever he wishes, one may not ACT in a manner that violates the rights of another. That prohibition against the violation of rights includes religious expression. Such actions are the initiation of the use of physical force, and its intellectual equivalent, fraud and deceit. All of these--physical force, fraud and deceit--are weapons of war that are religiously sanctioned by Islam.
Osama openly declared war on us, but we just won't listen. Sometimes, someone will ask, "But how can we declare war, when there is no particular country that has attacked us? There are Muslims in every country in the world. What would the target be?"
The target is Islam.
We can, and ought to, openly declare war on Islam, wherever it exists. We must not allow its claim to be a product of the divine to render its ambitions and weapons invisible to us, and immune to a proper response. Sure, our method of fighting a war will have to shift to meet current conditions; so?
Yes, there are millions upon millions of Muslims around the world, operating in all countries to bring others into the Ummah, forcibly if need be, and working to create a world-wide Caliphate. However, the fact that millions of people today are followers of Islam because their ancestors had the misfortune to be intimidated and forced to become followers of Mohammad, alters nothing.
Millions of pious enemies are still enemies.
At Mon Aug 01, 11:51:00 AM PDT,
Always On Watch said…
You wrote "Islam--'submission' in Arabic--is an entity where state and religion are totally fused." Therein lies the core of the problem. Personally, I don't have much hope for any reformation of Islam.
At Mon Aug 01, 04:10:00 PM PDT,
Cubed © said…
I concur.
I hold out only the slimmest of hopes that maybe the Muslims in the middle, so to speak, are also beginning to tire of living the life of subhumans. If they are tired enough, maybe, at the very least, some of them might consider one of the "spin-off" sects to join; they could still call themselves "Muslims," and not have to discard their religion altogether.
Still, even with that slim hope, I am not encouraged that they will make the necessary changes, at least not in time.
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