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Saturday, January 15, 2005

'24': Fox Responds

The following is what C.A.I.R. sent out via email regarding its meeding with Fox '24'. Even this is too much concession.


Network asks affiliates nationwide to air CAIR PSA(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/14/05) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today said that it is encouraged by a recent meeting in Los Angeles with representatives of the Fox television network to discuss Muslim concerns about the drama series "24." SEE:

CAIR called for Wednesday's meeting to address the depiction of a "Muslim" family that is at the heart of a terror plot in the popular program. The Washington-based Islamic civil rights and advocacy group is concerned that the portrayal of the family as a terrorist "sleeper cell" may cast a shadow of suspicion over ordinary American Muslims and could increase Islamophobic stereotyping and bias.At the meeting, which included representatives from CAIR's Southern California office and from the Los Angeles-based Muslim Public Affairs Council, Fox officials said they would distribute a CAIR public service announcement (PSA) to network affiliates and ask that it be aired in proximity to "24."

TO VIEW THE CAIR PSA, GO TO: ALSO: "US TV to Screen Pro-Muslim Spots"

FOX also gave meeting participants assurances that the program will be balanced in its portrayal of Muslims. Network representatives said that they had already reviewed existing episodes and removed some aspects that could potentially be viewed as stereotypical.

"We thank Fox for the opportunity to address the Muslim community's concerns and for the willingness of network officials to take those concerns seriously in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation," said CAIR Communications Coordinator Rabiah Ahmed. She added that CAIR looks forward to working with Fox in the future.


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