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Sunday, January 09, 2005

Islamic "Truth"

A British Islamic website crows about how it tells the truth about Islam.

"Learn about true Islam: read this handout to learn more. Our dawa (message) targets Muslims as well as non-muslims."

Does it? In fact, with only a cursory examination, it becomes obvious that the site clearly mixes fact and fiction like all Islamic sites do. Here is an example of real truth:

Remember: Islam means SUBMISSION not PEACE! Peace is ONLY achivable (sic) under the authority of ISLAM as a ruling system - Inform all UK Imams if they are in error.

If you have done the basics in reading about Islam, then you can see right through what they are saying. In case anyone might not, I will "translate." The statement means that peace comes only after Islamic conquest of all peoples and forcing them under shari'a law at gunpoint. If you are still having trouble, substitute "Nazism" for Islam and "Nazi" for jihadist.

Islamists love to "spin" facts to have them spell out their subjective brand of the truth. What they end up with is what they want you to believe, but not the truth, or only part of the truth. Here is some Islamic lying by omission:

MISCONCEPTION #8: Muslims are a barbaric, backward

Among the reasons for the rapid and peaceful spread of Islam was
the simplicity of its doctrine-Islam calls for faith in only one God worthy of
worship. It also repeatedly instructs man to use his powers of intelligence and
observation. Within a few years, great civilizations and universities were
flourishing, for according to the Prophet (pbuh), 'seeking knowledge is an
obligation for every Muslim man and woman'.

The synthesis of Eastern and Western ideas and of new thought with old,
brought about great advances in medicine, mathematics, physics, astronomy,
geography, architecture, art, literature, and history. Many crucial systems such
as algebra, the Arabic numerals, and also the concept of the zero (vital to the
advancement of mathematics), were transmitted to medieval Europe from Islam.

Sophisticated instruments which were to make possible the European
voyages of discovery were developed, including the astrolabe, the quadrant and
good navigational maps.

These paragraphs do not address Misconception #8 at all.

These paragraphs address Islam as it once was before Islam ossified itself and its adherents around 900 A.D. As Islamists conquered land after land in what we now call the Middle East, they ran into something not found in Arabia, from whence they had come. They ran into Greek philosophy and the learning of the ancient world.

Islamic scholars began their own renaissance. Medicine, science, arts, and philosophy flourished. Works of the Greeks were translated into Arabic and sent throughout the Islamic Empire, including Spain.

Scholars developed inquiry and discourse, and exercised free expression. In no time, with the logic learned from Aristotle, they began seeing the flaws and inadequacies of Islam. They lectured, wrote, and discussed these freely. It had become obviousl to them that Islam and free minds could not coexist.

It also became obvious to orthodox, dedicated Islamic clerics. Having the fusion of state and religion at their disposal, they set out to end all opposition by means of the sword and intimidation. Scholars died and works perished. Islam flourished. By 900 A.D., Islam locked into the form it would have from 900 A.D. to the present day.

Any time a free mind was discovered ,its head was severed from its body. Science, medicine, philosophy, and art withered and died. Compare this to Atlas Shrugged. In that novel, men of the mind went on strike against statists but did so voluntarily. Without, the world returned to a dark age. The Islamists accomplished the same effect, but by force, and Islam returned to a dark age.

What was said for explanation under Misconception #8 illustrates lying by omission. Some of the truth was told in order to make the uncritical reader think that the misconception had been addressed. You can see what the "rest of the story" is.

Islam and truth are incompatible.


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