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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Amnesty By Any Other Name

The McCain-Kennedy introduced by Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona and Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts is advertised as an "reform of immigration laws" that will "equitably resolve the problem of massive and continual illegal influx of aliens across U.S. borders."

Is this true? Will giving legal status to those already here solve our immigration and security problems? It is likely to spur more illegal activities and more immigrants, rewarding the lawbreakers and the businesses that hire them for paltry salaries.

As history showed in the 1980s, granting amnesty to illegal aliens led to three results:
* About three million persons who previously illegally entered the country were not prosecuted or deported, but instead rewarded with legal resident status.
* A flood of forged documents were generated to “prove” illegals had been in the country the necessary three years.
* Millions more aliens were encouraged to illegally enter the country on the expectation that prosecution and deportation were unlikely, and some day another amnesty might be offered.
The promise of another amnesty in the McCain-Kennedy bill is that very anticipated reward for the millions who have flooded into the U.S. since 1986.

Let history be our guide.

Read the rest.

While "reforming" immigration policies, they should consider this


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