Somebody, Please Wake the President!
The popular television psychologist Dr. Phil keeps saying, because it is true, that we teach others how to treat us. Similarly, a motivational speaker some years ago said over and over, because it is true, that if you don't like what you are getting, stop doing what you are doing. Having restated these for the umpteenth time, let's ask, regarding the White House: We see that the lights are on, but is anyone home?
This question comes about because of an "incidental" bit of news this morning on Fox and Friends. Col. Ed Badolino, USMC (Retired), one of Fox News' military consultants, was asked about this so-called rekindled "insurgency" in Iraq. Col. Ed, chosen as a consultant just as Fox's other military consultants for his expertise and current contacts, stated that new estimates place the numbers of "insurgents" now in Iraq at 20,000.
The last estimate I had heard from our government was 1000 - 2000 "insurgents." The new figure makes more sense.
Furthermore, Col. Badolino reaffirmed that these jihadists are coming from all over Islamia, particularly North Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. They gather in Damascus where they are outfitted and trained before being sent into Iraq.
For the benefit of informing our government, Damascus is in SYRIA.
Islamic lunatics piped in from Syria blow up themselves, Iraqis, and our precious American soldiers DAILY. Why is the American government being so passive? Do the Democrats have them cowering? Are our leaders afraid to assert American power any more?
Well, Dr. Phil is right. We have taught Syria, and the rest of Islamia how to treat us. At the same time, we keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. It has become impossible to buy the notion that important things are going on subrosa, and we will see great things soon. Manure to the 10th power! We are GETTING WHAT WE ARE ASKING FOR! And, I am one American who can stand it no longer!!!!!!!!!! This is NOT what I am asking for!
Yesterday, former Moroccan ambassador Mark Ginsberg offered a beginning piece to the solution. He said we should built a massive sand berm along the Syria-Iraq border. It seems that Morocco did that a few years ago on their border with Algeria, and it really slowed the influx of bad guys. Israel gets the same results from its wall. For that matter, so did Emperor Hadrian in Roman Britain.
Our failure to identify the main enemy, Islam, makes us look weak. Our failures to take out terrorist supply sources in Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran make us look cowardly. As a result, we are inviting the worst, and we will get it. If you thought what Clinton wrought was bad, wait until we see what Bush invites.
The evidence is in, and we need no more evidence in order to act: Let us begin by taking out Syria. Let us bomb Syria into fragments no larger than one centimeter in size. Do not worry about "innocent" Syrians because there aren't any. Besides, America's survival trumps any concern for anyone in Syria. Let us launch from Iraq and from the Mediterranean. Let us include the Bekaa Valley. Our work should include fire bombing that makes Dresden and Tokyo look like bonfires. It should also take out all communications, roads, rails, water, electricity, food sources, and ports. Assad should be vaporized in a MOAB cloud along with his cronies. We should be mercilessly intense and complete, because we should be JUST! Let us make any prisoners we take, if we slip up and have any, and make them build the sand berm.
Democrats and other Lefties will scream. Let them. In fact, let's build a Democrat and Leftie Wailing Wall in Washington for them.
Am I being an extremist? In the sense that Barry Goldwater put it, in defense of liberty (and the values that make America great), I accept the title.
So, here's what comes from business as usual instead of my plan or something like it. We continue to bog down in Iraq as it is converted into a new "Vietnam." Democrats and other Lefties continue to jeopardize our safety with their phony concerns about our enemies. Republicans continue to avoid identifying the enemy by name and by nature. We lose many more Americans in Iraq. We have to reinstitute that great assault on the Rights of Man, the military draft. As we deteriorate, scum flows over the unprotected borders. Jihad comes to America big time--because our weakness has been a red carpet invitation to Islamist jihadists.
The credit card scandal, which makes me seriously wonder about the hand of al-Qaeda in it, is joined by forest fires everywhere, power plant failures, biologicals released along with nerve gases, and almost anything you can imagine as guerilla urban warfare. Our government won't profile, and it won't deport. Furthermore, it arrests and imprisons ordinary citizens into concentration camps because they take matters into their own hands. The government makes the normal American the enemy. Martial law comes to America.
Meanwhile, as jihad increases, citizens rise up. No Muslim or anyone who might be thought to be Muslim is safe. Mosques burn, and businesses blow up. Muslims run to Canada and Mexico in volumes like herds of buffalo on the Great Plains a century or so ago. It won't matter if any Muslims are loyal Americans because so few have ever defined themselves publicly as such. Black Muslims face the same attacks and set off counterattacks.
What we could have is not only jihad in America, but frankly, civil war and collapse of the American government. We might see the end of America, the country built by the Enlightenment.
Somebody, please wake the president!
This question comes about because of an "incidental" bit of news this morning on Fox and Friends. Col. Ed Badolino, USMC (Retired), one of Fox News' military consultants, was asked about this so-called rekindled "insurgency" in Iraq. Col. Ed, chosen as a consultant just as Fox's other military consultants for his expertise and current contacts, stated that new estimates place the numbers of "insurgents" now in Iraq at 20,000.
The last estimate I had heard from our government was 1000 - 2000 "insurgents." The new figure makes more sense.
Furthermore, Col. Badolino reaffirmed that these jihadists are coming from all over Islamia, particularly North Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. They gather in Damascus where they are outfitted and trained before being sent into Iraq.
For the benefit of informing our government, Damascus is in SYRIA.
Islamic lunatics piped in from Syria blow up themselves, Iraqis, and our precious American soldiers DAILY. Why is the American government being so passive? Do the Democrats have them cowering? Are our leaders afraid to assert American power any more?
Well, Dr. Phil is right. We have taught Syria, and the rest of Islamia how to treat us. At the same time, we keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. It has become impossible to buy the notion that important things are going on subrosa, and we will see great things soon. Manure to the 10th power! We are GETTING WHAT WE ARE ASKING FOR! And, I am one American who can stand it no longer!!!!!!!!!! This is NOT what I am asking for!
Yesterday, former Moroccan ambassador Mark Ginsberg offered a beginning piece to the solution. He said we should built a massive sand berm along the Syria-Iraq border. It seems that Morocco did that a few years ago on their border with Algeria, and it really slowed the influx of bad guys. Israel gets the same results from its wall. For that matter, so did Emperor Hadrian in Roman Britain.
Our failure to identify the main enemy, Islam, makes us look weak. Our failures to take out terrorist supply sources in Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran make us look cowardly. As a result, we are inviting the worst, and we will get it. If you thought what Clinton wrought was bad, wait until we see what Bush invites.
The evidence is in, and we need no more evidence in order to act: Let us begin by taking out Syria. Let us bomb Syria into fragments no larger than one centimeter in size. Do not worry about "innocent" Syrians because there aren't any. Besides, America's survival trumps any concern for anyone in Syria. Let us launch from Iraq and from the Mediterranean. Let us include the Bekaa Valley. Our work should include fire bombing that makes Dresden and Tokyo look like bonfires. It should also take out all communications, roads, rails, water, electricity, food sources, and ports. Assad should be vaporized in a MOAB cloud along with his cronies. We should be mercilessly intense and complete, because we should be JUST! Let us make any prisoners we take, if we slip up and have any, and make them build the sand berm.
Democrats and other Lefties will scream. Let them. In fact, let's build a Democrat and Leftie Wailing Wall in Washington for them.
Am I being an extremist? In the sense that Barry Goldwater put it, in defense of liberty (and the values that make America great), I accept the title.
So, here's what comes from business as usual instead of my plan or something like it. We continue to bog down in Iraq as it is converted into a new "Vietnam." Democrats and other Lefties continue to jeopardize our safety with their phony concerns about our enemies. Republicans continue to avoid identifying the enemy by name and by nature. We lose many more Americans in Iraq. We have to reinstitute that great assault on the Rights of Man, the military draft. As we deteriorate, scum flows over the unprotected borders. Jihad comes to America big time--because our weakness has been a red carpet invitation to Islamist jihadists.
The credit card scandal, which makes me seriously wonder about the hand of al-Qaeda in it, is joined by forest fires everywhere, power plant failures, biologicals released along with nerve gases, and almost anything you can imagine as guerilla urban warfare. Our government won't profile, and it won't deport. Furthermore, it arrests and imprisons ordinary citizens into concentration camps because they take matters into their own hands. The government makes the normal American the enemy. Martial law comes to America.
Meanwhile, as jihad increases, citizens rise up. No Muslim or anyone who might be thought to be Muslim is safe. Mosques burn, and businesses blow up. Muslims run to Canada and Mexico in volumes like herds of buffalo on the Great Plains a century or so ago. It won't matter if any Muslims are loyal Americans because so few have ever defined themselves publicly as such. Black Muslims face the same attacks and set off counterattacks.
What we could have is not only jihad in America, but frankly, civil war and collapse of the American government. We might see the end of America, the country built by the Enlightenment.
Somebody, please wake the president!
At Sun Jun 19, 12:52:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
You are exactly right. We need another personality like Andrew Jackson; someone who will stand nose to nose with the likes of Leahy, Durbin,, and tell them to lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.
Mr. Bush is much "too friendly" with the enemies of America. He needs to be reminded of President Washington's admonition.
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