A Reader Responds to Article About Bush Poll
A reader from deep within the heartland of America writes me from time to time, and he has responded to my remarks today about the Washington Post article about the ABC poll of President Bush's popularity. This reader has the ability to tell things just as he sees them. We always enjoy his thoughts, even if some can't be printed, and we greatly respect his interest in this blog as well as the affairs of America. He is an engaged American, the way everybody ought to be. Such engaged Americans are the strength of America, real national treasures.
Compare the directness and the truth in this paragraph to all of the futzfumbling convolutions coming from Congress, the State Department, and the Executive. If these oafs don't get us sizzled with nuclear devices originating from the Middle East first, we can pull America out of the fire using the ability of Americans to see the truth and act on it. The spirit, if not all his words, of this American illustrate that American spirit and ability not to be bullshitted. One of these folks is worth more than everyone at the State Department, except possibly John Bolton.
I read your column on Bush, while I agree with most of what you say, I disagree on the religious side. I believe Bush is suffering the same fate as his father, namely he is detached from real world of everyday Americans. I blame this mainly on the Presidents’ advisors. While trying to balance the scale with political correctness while fighting a war is absolutely beyond belief! We as Americans, (most) are detached from the war on Islam. No, I won't use the term terror, because they are one and the same. Sure there are patriotic symbols around, but if you haven’t noticed these are becoming sparse. My question would be why? My belief is the nation's liberal media, and prominent liberals lambasting every move our brave soldiers make have essentially muted the president. To make war, one must completely destroy the enemy, holy sites and all. We did after all destroy churches in Europe when they were used as military holdouts and weapon caches. But the President [now is too] concerned with our not so good ally Saudi Arabia to send a message that we really do mean business. All holy sites in Iraq should have been destroyed upon evidence that any were used by Islamists to kill American troops. This would have sent a clear signal that Uncle Sam was not fu__ing around! Would it have caused an uproar in middle eastern countries? You bet it would! But it would also have had the effect that any middle eastern country supporting or harboring Islamists in any way could be next! This I believe would have cut this war short. Bush made an error when he declared war on Iraq in the first place! Now we are losing support from the most important factor involved, namely the American public. Bush has failed miserably, in my humble opinion; he has turned a blind eye to our southern borders, while millions of illegals cross yearly, not to mention Islamists. The President has stated again and again, that his first priority is the protection of the American public! Can anyone see that he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth? I don’t know if he ignores the immigration issue because of Hispanics in his family or that he is from Texas, or he wants to help big business with cheap illegal labor or because he just doesn’t have a clue! An overwhelming majority of Americans want something done about our borders yesterday! What does this President do? Espouse the failed attempt that Ronald Reagan tried in the 80’s, and what did this do? Only encourage millions more to come in and hope to be a part of the same amnesty. As we can see it sure as hell
didn’t work! Folks, we are losing the battle on all fronts, and if we don’t get off our asses and demand accountability from our leaders then we have no one to blame but ourselves. Now, I believe the President has good intentions, but good intentions doesn’t feed the bulldog! Would Kerry have done a better job? Not in my lifetime! This man is so left-leaning it has made his hair look like it has magnetic qualities, constantly being pulled by the earth’s gravitational forces! The President needs to refocus his energies on not kissing Arabic ass, instead beating Arabic ass! Bush has too many pots in the fire and if he keeps it up he will get burned.
Compare the directness and the truth in this paragraph to all of the futzfumbling convolutions coming from Congress, the State Department, and the Executive. If these oafs don't get us sizzled with nuclear devices originating from the Middle East first, we can pull America out of the fire using the ability of Americans to see the truth and act on it. The spirit, if not all his words, of this American illustrate that American spirit and ability not to be bullshitted. One of these folks is worth more than everyone at the State Department, except possibly John Bolton.
At Tue Jun 07, 08:44:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
GWB's first initiative after the Islamic Genocide of Sept. 11, 2001, was to attend a Wahabi mosque and pronounce that "Islam is peace." Then he squandered over 3 hundred billion dollars to create conditions for legitimation of Islamofascism, by means of subsidizing one-time, pseudo democratic elections in the Afghan and Iraq demographic-territorial dog's breakfasts. As I write, terrorist attacks are accelerating in both supposedly "free" junk heaps. The Arab tyrannies are escalating and recombining their efforts to create a nuclear weapons balance with Israel, cum America. And Bush has the gall to link the above to the advance of "freedom." America's suicidal nation-building presence in the Middle East, has done nothing but create conditions where Islamofascism is on the march. The surrenderist declaration that "Islam is peace," negated all American resolve to deal with the international conditions that
caused the September slaughter. There are Republican realists in both the House and Senate. They need to create conditions where a US President writes off Muslim savages, and places American security on the pedestal of American power. If nuking Mecca, Medina, Qom and Karbala are what it takes to begin the liquidation of Islamofascism on a global scale, then let's get leadership - without slavish bondage to the Saudi terrorist entity - that will annihilate America's enemies.
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