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Friday, July 01, 2005

The Voice of America Demands to Be Heard

A reader, another solid American, submitted comments to our most recent blog about the move to take Justice Souter's home, thereby hoisting him by his own petard--namely, that property rights abrogation decision he helped engineer.

These comments stand alone and deserve blogging separately. We are incredibly delighted at the quality of our readers' comments--America's bedrock strength is much more than the chattering class even recognized.

Ms William von Rights wrote:

For the first time since September 11, 2001 I heard something that I thought and hoped I'd never hear again since it seems that only catastrophe of unmentionable proportions can elicit this sound. The sound to which I refer is the deafening sound of silence, which spread across the country like a cascade of falling dominos on Thursday, June 23, 2005 upon the announcement of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Keto vs CT that property rights were abolished.

It is at times like this that I truly become frightened and thoughts such as imminent civil war race through my mind. I am frequently reminded of the movie Terminator when Sarah Connor, the heroine, realizes in order to save mankind she MUST teach her son John how to be a soldier and a leader because his destiny is to lead Man’s resistance against the machines and win. I sometimes feel this way about my son and it scares me. I think, perhaps, even in my generation we will see a war break out within our own borders.

It is hard enough to feel the knife of apathy cut into us Americans by the Bush administration with regard to our sieve-like borders but the ruling of “The big 5 justices” ruling in the Keto vs CT case poured salt in the wound, stitched it up, then spat on the Bill of Rights as they walked away. How will these “justices” rule on flag burning when the atrocity they just committed leaves our flag colorless and dimensionless? There will be nothing to protest now. No need to burn this symbol since there is nothing for it to represent or symbolize. Perhaps this was an attempt by these 5 Supreme Court “justices” to kill two birds with one stone! Did they

Fortunately some of us have started a fight back with movements such as mailing “pieces of property” to certain politicians and justices as Stephen Gorden has suggested ( to building hotels on the “justices’” home lots (Logan Darrow Clements of Free Star Media) and pass legislation at the federal level to combat these anti-American decisions (Senator Cornyn's bill S 1313 ). But what can the rest of us do to send a message? I say we keep a VERY CLOSE EYE on those corporations and businesses that feel no compunction in partaking in the new ruling to freely seize property and boycott the living hell out of their products!!!!! We were pissed at France and we stuck it to them in their sweet spot when we boycotted their products and we can do it to these anti-American companies that use these anti-American business tactics.

We, as consumers and Americans hold ALL the power. USE IT!


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