I Am So Angry...
When any of our military personnel die and get injured in Iraq and Afghanistan, predominantly the former, I have a blue funk. When over two score Marines die within 24 hours in that piece of q'rap named Iraq, I almost go crazy. Then I get so mad, I could eat beer bottles whole and wash 'em down with sulfuric acid (assuming my body could endure such torture, which it could not--just expressing myself).
When our men and women die in wholesale lots, I never blame them. I don't even blame their direct military commanders. I blame the assholes in the Pentagon, the State Department, and above all, in the White House.
I can lay my finger on Bush with greater clarity than those nameless, faceless, and worthless suits in the Pentagon and State Department, so I intend herein to let fly on President Bush.
1. These killers of our military personnel, we are told, are from somewhere else, other than Iraq. Where, we ask? Why, from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, and North Africa. Others come from Iran.
2. Why are they in Iraq? They came solely to kill Americans, coalition troops, and keep democracy from happening in Iraq.
3. How are they getting into Iraq? They are coming over the borders, in mega droves. Most stage and train in Syria, except for the hoardes flooding in from Iran. However, because of its extremely strong ties with Syria and the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, Iran tends to go through Syria as well, even though they are Shia Muslims.
At this point, I can stand no more analysis of the obvious. I need to ask the President who has gone to Crawford, Texas, to "vacation" (I do not believe that a President of the United States of America ever rests or vacations while in office) a few whys. I see parallels. I see wetbacks and nefarious types flooding through the porous border with Mexico, and I see a President apparently indifferent to the whole matter. Then I see porous borders in Iraq with Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, and a President who seems equally indifferent to these borders. Thus, I see CONUS (continental United States) Americans suffering his indifference from the ravages of the flood from south of the border. In Iraq, I see our military personnel chewed up to no useful purpose in Iraq because Islamic garbage floods over the borders intent on destroying very valuable Americans, and they do, over and over and over and over...
Were we to make an example to Islamia of Syria by removing it from participating in human history for several thousands of years, and were we to advertise that we were making an example of it to all the Muslims, we would start to put a stop to the cattle slaughtering of our precious fighting men and women.
Since Muslims are really slow on the uptake, we would next take out all the Wahhabi training and "holy" sites in Saudi Arabia. No, I am not saying bomb Mecca and Medina, no matter how tempting that thought is. We save that when those Muslims and their countries that just won't learn from experience do their next 9-11.
I still think launching Israeli aircraft from our aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf to target anything at will in Iran is an utterly delicious idea. I only wish we could include the UN in the same sortie, but the UN is out of range.
Within Iraq, we either kill or be killed. So, let's kill. Nothing in Iraq should be off limits to total destruction by us. For every incident of car bombings and the like, we take out cities and villages, and not just in Iraq. We just might get their attention because they would see us taking ourselves seriously.
As for the Iraqi constitution, to hell with what they want. They want Islam and that goddammed sharia. Let's make them take what we want them to have and forbid sharia. If they want to revert to that primitive crap after we are gone, they can live with the consequences.
We have been too nice, too understanding, and too politically correct. We have lost over 1800 American military personnel permanently and have many fold more maimed for life. What for? So some goddammed Muslims can vote themselves into Islamic sharia while shish-ka-bobbing our invaluable military personnel? So that human vermin can cross borders with impunity, and some cloaca of a country like Syria can stick its filthy finger in our eye while our President acts like we are winning while ignoring the facts?
I will say this. If those Iraqi Muslims vote themselves into a sharia constitution, and if the spineless subhumans in the State Department and White House acquiesce, then we have lost big time. Get the hell out of Iraq then ASAP! But realize, in the Islamic mind, we will have lost again. In reality, we will have lost in fact. The Muslims will be emboldened, and they will flood over the southern border which Mr. Bush seems unaware of.
We will be out of Iraq, but we will be in the hottest of water. We will have multiple 9-11s. The only good thing is that our military people will be home and not be defending people not worth the effort.
We will have to fight and win on our homeland. We could have won over there, but our politicos had neither the vision nor the balls to do it. History will lay the blood at their feet.
At Thu Aug 04, 05:04:00 AM PDT,
goesh said…
It could start first with cruise and stealth strikes on Iran's nuke sites to totally eradicate them, with a clear message to stay totally out of Iraq, followed by systematic destruction of their government buildings in the same manner if they become the least bit aggressive over their nukes being destroyed or their failure to keep out of Iraq. Secondly, take out one Syrian air base completely with a message for them to seal the border and turn over any and all saddam/terr supporters, and give them a week to start turning over people. Eradicate their air bases one at a time then start on their government buildings if they do not comply. Look to where the money is being made for the reason why the bullshit conintues in Iraq of not fighting to win.
At Sat Aug 20, 04:48:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
We have a lot of F15s not being used right now. We could establish an exclusion zone for 10 miles inside the Syrian and Iranian borders. Anythng coming in, or potentially there, other than if we should establish convoys, would be subject to interdiction, i.e. strafing and bombing, by the F15s. Current residents could be offered relocation. We are provoked, challenged by Hezbollah, meaning Iran, which gave them 'shaped charges', blowing up the AAV on which were our best Marines, the snipers. This would be a response appropriate to the provocation and would not be then appropriate for the Mexican border. Cindy Sheehan should be asking for this not adopting an attitude which is a subject for psychoanalysis.
At Thu Aug 25, 11:28:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
How do you feel about 3500 people who died -9-11-2001? Do you cry over the americans who died there? What about all the americans who died in WW2? Do you think your freedom came all for free!! Pull your head out!!!!!
At Fri Aug 26, 05:56:00 PM PDT,
George Mason said…
Dear Jerry (of Thu Aug 25, 11:28:46 PM PDT):
I am sorry that you missed the point of the article and this blogsite. My guess is that you are very new to us and think we are some bleeding heart liberals. Please peruse the site and the archives, and I think you will see that the answers to your questions go like this:
1. About the 3500 who died on 9-11-2001: All of us here are chronically mad as hell about those events, and we have neither forgotten nor lost a bit of rage since 9-11.
2. Crying; As a guy, I get blue and angry about those Americans who died, much the same way as I do about the troops who die in Iraq.
3. WW2: The other day, I saw a veteran in the commissary, wearing a "Pearl Harbor Survivor" ball cap. I felt a swelling of pride and thankfulness that he gave so much, like all the others who have long died either in that war or subsequently. I also felt the sense of history, a profound feeling that I was looking at a real hero, and one who would soon be gone also.
4. Freedom vs free: No, I know well that freedom is not free, and that the struggles to keep it are never-ending. We can never be free from war, and we must never cease to be prepared and ready to wage it to keep what we have. Some of us will die. Others will be maimed. And, tragically, some Americans will never appreciate the concept of freedom, what it takes to gain and keep it, and just how expensive and precious it really is.
In case you might be interested to know, I put in 25 years in the U. S. Navy, and I am very proud of that.
As for pulling my head out, I think I cannot comply physically. Incidentally, Jerry, please visit our other website, called 6th Column Against Jihad (http://www.6thcolumnagainstjihad.com/). We have some real rip-snorters there.
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