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Sunday, October 10, 2004

ONE DOWN, ONE TO GO: Australians Re-elect Howard as Prime Minister

The New York Times > International > Asia Pacific > Australians Re-elect Howard as Prime Minister

Australians had the good sense to re-elect John Howard. Howard, like many Australian leaders before him, stands tall with America. As goes Howard, so goes Australia.

Australia is a diseased country. It is rife with socialism and the unAustralian mentalities that cause socialism. Once I had thought that Australia was much freer than the USA, but I was wrong. Deteriorated Australia is we are becoming if we do not purge positions of power and influence within the USA of neocomm liberalism.

I suspect that the Australian equivalent of our "red states" is a populace of reality-oriented, down to earth people, who want freedom but lack the full and proper intellectual and cultural leadership as well as lacking critical mass in voting right now. We must never abandon these people or let them stand alone. The good people of Australia are as good as the good people of America, for the same reasons.

Australia has stood bravely with us and taken the heat over and over. The better sorts of people in Australia see the Muslim immigration invasion and the fifth columnists in their political, intellectual, and journalistic circles conspiring with them to convert Australia to a fully unfree country.

Re-electing John Howard was critical for the future of Australia and America, and, for that matter, the free world. The next important election is America's, next month. It is essential that the lovers of freedom re-elect George W. Bush, for the same reason Australians re-elected John Howard.


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