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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Maybe Congress Is Listening After All

An absurd situation exists in Congress. The Department of Homeland Security has to answer to 88 different committees and subcommittees, in their words, “a recipe for chaos.”

House Republican leaders have offered a rule change that would make permanent its now-temporary Homeland Security Committee, but critics say the proposal is watered down by the small print.

"Unless we have secure borders it's a halfway job and not worth doing," said Peter Gadiel of northern Connecticut, whose son James died at the World Trade Center.

In December, Congress passed a compromise intelligence overhaul bill that created a new post of Director of National Intelligence with authority over the CIA along with all 15 of the nation's military and civilian intelligence agencies.

Other changes: “The new law also ‘provides for wiretapping of “lone wolf” terrorists operating without clear ties to a particular terror network, and increases the number of full-time border patrol agents by 2,000 per year for five years.”

Our intelligence apparatus created after World War II must change with the new reality of small cells and global terrorist networks.

But Congress has a very narrow definition of “terrorism.” To them the terrorists are those that throw bombs and create violence. They seem to be oblivious to the very real threat of Mexican dual citizenship and the creeping Islamization of the United States.

Terrorism is a convenient euphemism and false label because we can’t defeat terrorism, a method. The problem has been allowed to mushroom into insurmountable monsters that no official dares to name. While pointing fingers are the Europeans for foolishly allowing guest workers to overstay their welcome and demographically overcome native the European population, we have foolishly overlooked the human tsunami that is engulfing us.

Congress may make rules to regulate the intelligence system, that is gathering information overseas, but what about dealing with the lack of intelligence that is shown here at home? In the name of civil rights, multiculturalism, political correctness, leftist ideology, we are in danger of losing America.

America is not just an address, it is a state of mind into which millions of past immigrants gladly entered. Today’s immigrants are no longer willing to enter into a covenant with the United States, to “renounce allegiance to other powers and principalities," and to put America first.

Congress can’t legislate a feeling, but immigrants should be held to the standard of the Covenant or lose their citizenship as they did in the past. If we aren’t willing to enforce our citizenship law, then America will become just another nation whose borders aren’t worth enforcing.

Already Post-Americans don’t where they live. “They’ve grown beyond their country.” They have decided to become citizens of the world “as one place is as good another.”

Let me be clear what I mean by a post-American. He's not an enemy of America — not Alger Hiss or Jane Fonda or Louis Farrakhan. He's not necessarily even a Michael Moore or Ted Kennedy. A post-American may actually still like America, but the emotion resembles the attachment one might feel to, say, suburban New Jersey — it can be a pleasant place to live, but you're always open to a better offer. The post-American has a casual relationship with his native country, unlike the patriot, "who more than self his country loves," as Katharine Lee Bates wrote. Put differently, the patriot is married to America; the post-American is just shacking up.

Now, there are two kinds of post-American. David Frum, in his "Unpatriotic Conservatives" article for NR last year, highlighted what I think is the less important kind: Those who focus on something less than America, whether white nationalists or neo-Confederates, etc. The second, more consequential and problematic kind are those who have moved beyond America, "citizens of the world," as the cliché goes — in other words citizens (at least in the emotional sense) of nowhere in particular.

For them and, obviously, for many U.S. inhabitants, the borders mean nothing and there is “no distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.”

Congress must agree, as there seems to be no big movement to create or enforce laws to PROTECT the border and STOP illegal immigration. They have consolidated agencies and talked us to death about what they are going to do. They have instituted new policies at border crossings but still hundreds, aided by the Mexican army and police, cross everyday away from official cross points. Actual terror suspects and other evidence of Muslim terrorists has been found. Until this is ADDRESSED and SOLVED no amount fiddling with this agency or that will make us any safer.


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