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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Surprise, Surprise!: U.S. Marine in Mysterious Case Declared Deserter

ABC News: U.S. Marine in Mysterious Case Declared Deserter

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun, charged with desertion in a mysterious case in which he left his unit in Iraq and turned up in Lebanon, has again gone absent and appears to have returned to Lebanon, officials said on Wednesday.

The U.S. military has tracked records from bank machines indicating that Hassoun made his way to Canada and then back to Lebanon, the country of his birth, said a U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity. The Marine Corps formally declared him a deserter on Wednesday.

Although desertion from the U.S. military in a time of war could be punishable by death, the Marines said they had no intention of seeking the death penalty.

I am so aggravated by this news story that I can barely contain myself.

What in the hell did the Marines, the military, and the Defense Department expect? The kid is a Muslim. He is UMMA. He is in no way American and never will be. "Umma" means in Islamic terms that he is part of the great syncitium of Islam which denies all nationalities and credos except Islam as valid. He is umma because he is part of the universe of Islam. He knows it. DoD and its divisions do not.

We have had far too many incidents of "Muslim Americans," a truly emetic term, defaulting to Islam, not to America. Not a single Muslim can be trusted for any reason at any time, unless you are seeking death and destruction.

Remember the black kid from Detroit who rolled hand grenades into his officers' tent in Kuwait? He was a Muslim convert. Remember the many incidents involving so-called American military translators in Guantanomo, as well as a "chaplain"?

Oh, yes, I am very harsh. I am exaggerating, they say. I am a fanatic. Islam is one of the great religions of the world, and Muslims must be tolerated for their beliefs in America, no matter what.

If you believe that, go to our website, 6TH COLUMN AGAINST JIHAD, and look specifically at the RECOMMENDED page. We list the basic and advanced books you need to read and the websites you need to frequent--if truth is of any interest to you.

"It is Islam, Stupid!" needs to be branded on the foreheads of everyone at a policy level in DoD, at 8th and I, and in the White House. They are so dense that they are impervious to ordinary reason. Maybe seeing a brand on their brows when they shave might suggest that their cowardly evasions are killing America, killing American service personnel, and will kill many more Americans at home.

Islam is a totally evil philosophy masquerading as a religion. Conservative nitwits bow before it because it is a "religion," and that term makes them lose their minds. Liberals bow before it because it is politically correct and profoundly anti-American, as are they. That such exists in the beloved Marine Corps just makes me want to vomit.

This Hassoun kid should be "under the jail," as we used to say growing up. By being Muslim, he was automatically untrustworthy--if you have made the effort to understand what Islam really means.

I am far less concerned about surviving Islamic jihadists that I am in surviving evading Americans who militantly insist on ignorance about Islam. When it infects the great U. S. Marine Corps, can we survive?


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