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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

An Interview with D. C. Watson

D. C. Watson, Himself

D. C. Watson has emerged as an arch-typical example of the new force to be reckoned with: The American Patriot. And, he has deliberately and publicly served notice to all those who would wage Islamic jihad on America, that he and millions more will be fully American in dealing with them. D. C.’s op-ed pieces began appearing in Jihad Watch/Dhimmi Watch over the last year, but D. C.’s comments in the same publication had already made him very difficult to ignore nationally and internationally. He has been utterly refreshing because he writes filter-free. He says what he believes, and it is clear that he makes no allowances for pabulum such as “political correctness” and multiculturalism. In fact, some have even voiced wishes that he become the Secretary of Defense. (We think he would best serve as the Secretary of State).

His articles show that this rough-hewn appearing, man-mountain can just plain write as well as think, and express himself without bullshitting in both. Recently, we have had the opportunity to get to know the D. C. Watson that one tosses down beer and pork rinds with while watching N.F.L. games and working to set the world straight.

6thCAJ/SC: D. C. Watson, welcome to 6th Column Against Jihad and its companion blog, Sixth Column.

Watson: Thank you.

6thCAJ/SC: You have been involved in corporate executive protection, professional wrestling, nightclub security, amateur boxing, and power-lifting. Currently you work in both the Radiology & Physiology areas of medicine. You have had two fractured cervical vertebrae, a fractured wrist, two thumb surgeries, and dislocations at the knees, hip, shoulder, wrist and lower jaw. Some would conclude that you’ve had an “eventful” life.

Watson: That’s what’s so wonderful about living in this country. Opportunities are always in front of you.

6thCAJ/SC: You are an active community supporter, using wrestling events to raise money for several charitable organizations. Whom have you been able to help?

Watson: The promotions that I worked for did a great job with this. We worked and raised money for the Toys-for–Tots program, Muscular Dystrophy, and several Church and community Food Banks.

6thCAJ/SC: You seem to have hit the counter-Jihad scene quite suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere. The articles you’ve written are very direct, and they’ve been very well received. Some have even been picked up by several European and Asian websites. What started all of this?

Watson: I have unconditional love for the United States, and I refuse to sit idly by and watch a clump of sawed off, militant Islamic warts waltz into our house expecting to rearrange our furniture.

6thCAJ/SC: You’ve been a part of writing to the nation about Islamic Jihad, terrorism, and Muslim organizations in America for a while now. How do you think this war against terror is going?

Watson: Well, our Armed Forces are the very best in the world. However, from what I’ve witnessed, the war planners sent them into the wrong country. The Saudi Arabians have proven to be much more of a threat to the United States than Iraq ever was.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban was a street gang passing themselves off as a government. And they were intertwined with al Qaeda. Although they were adept at hanging Muslims from light posts, cutting throats, beating and shooting Muslim women, and burning families alive, American forces easily, and rapidly forwarded them on to their Allah.

6thCAJ/SC: So I’ll take it that you think Afghanistan is a success.

Watson: Definitely. But still no bin Laden. The government says we can’t find him.

Let’s see. We can put a land rover on Mars that’ll send back surface data and photographs from thirty-million miles out. We can pull in a license plate number from a satellite in space, yet we can’t pin down a six-foot-five inch toilet brush with kidneys so bad he can’t even go pee on his own?

6thCAJ/SC: How do you feel our government is doing protecting the homeland?

Watson: Between the Saudi Arabians and the U.S./Mexican border, the government has made the jobs of the Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies that much more difficult. American tax dollars are funding wars in the Middle East, yet our government states that funding additional border patrol agents isn’t in the budget. Where’s the logic in this?

6thCAJ/SC: Tell us what you know about the Saudis and their involvement with America.

Watson: We’ve been infiltrated.

• Saudi owned American media (with their fingers in AOL/Time Warner, who controls CNN, and Disney, who controls ABC).
• Saudi funded Islamic Studies centers on American college campuses.
• Saudi funded mosques that contain literature preaching hate for America, Christians, and Jews.
• Saudi funded schools, whose “teachers” instruct their students that Christianity and Judaism are false religions, and demand allegiance to the Qur’an, not the U.S. Constitution.
• Saudi funded Islamic “civil rights” organizations that attack Americans for speaking out against Islam.

6thCAJ/SC: You’ve publicly called these groups out, haven’t you?

Watson: Yes, on center stage, with cameras rolling, in front of the nation so they could explain to the American people exactly who it is that supports them financially, how it came to be that several of their own have been convicted of terror and fraud crimes, and tell everyone why they’re so concerned about the American public learning about true Islam and its founder, Mohammed.

Since they wouldn’t want Americans to access these links, here they are:

They spend much of their time labeling Americans as bigots for questioning Islam and the Qur’an. They’ve constantly berated counter terrorism efforts in this country, and criticized our troops. Is Islam truly the “religion of peace”? Or is it racism in its purest form? The people should have the opportunity to make that determination for themselves, and they deserve to have all of the facts.

Since Muslim organizations wouldn’t want Americans to access these links either, here they are: Muslims & the Pope Blindcustomers rejected by Muslim cab drivers Death for leaving Islam. Islamic leaders angered over Arab TV's coverage of Pope's death. for the latest on militant Muslims in America. Who are the bigots again?

6thCAJ/SC: These groups have made it clear that they want an Islamic America, have they not?

Watson: Many Muslims in America want peace, not Islamic law. This may be because Islamic law, or the Shariah, is a century impaired, backward ass, barbaric human rights violation, and should be abolished worldwide. Muslim extremists pretty much had their dreams of an Islamic America shot in the ass on 9/11. While intelligent Muslims realize that peace is the logical solution, the militant Muslim knuckle draggers criticize Americans for not trusting them--what a laughable, yet pathetic scenario.

If some of these Islamic organizations don’t understand why there’s no trust, this copied e-mail should serve as evidence. With thanks to Faith Freedom International:

From: “Ali Mohammed”

Subject: Your site and the Pope

Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 07:17:33 +0000

The pope is dead. One Christian scumbag down. Allahu Akbar! You will too soon join the Pope.Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!

There are thousands of e-mails just like this one received every month. This one was chosen because it's one of the very few that aren't riddled with misspelled words.

Late 2003, World Net Daily ran a column written by Anis Shorrosh, the Christian Arab-American author of ''Islam Revealed.'' This column, entitled “Radical Islam's 'plan' to take over America”, details a twenty-year, twenty-step strategy to undermine American society, and is a must read because it connects this plan with some of what is happening on our soil today.,2933,46610,00.html

6thCAJ/SC: It’s apparent that we need a sustained effort to keep hammering this information home.

Watson: Information is key. Keep exposing some of these Islamic organizations for the bullshit artists they are. Begin at the local school Boards, media, governments, and businesses. Inform them about their record, and keep them out.

6thCAJ/SC: At our site, as well as other anti-Jihad sites, we receive e-mails from Muslims who make threats of violence, and claim that Americans are afraid of “Islamic Jihad.” What do you think about these people?

Watson: (Laughs). I think they have battleship mouths and rowboat asses.

6thCAJ/SC: D.C., thanks very much for taking the time to talk with us.

D.C. Watson articles$30405

For many more links to Anti-Jihad sites, and important news, please visit the Recommended page on 6th Column Against Jihad, and the links below:

Special thanks to Robert Spencer, Ali Sina, Ethelred, Chris Graham, and David Horowitz


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