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Sunday, April 24, 2005

You Can't Shine S__t or Polish a Meatball

Which is worse, the United Nations or Islam? Talk about a Hobson's choice! Each is in the back pocket of the other, as this cited article indicates.

Yahoo! News - U.N. Calls for Combating 'Defamation' of Islam, Tue Apr 12,10:46 AM ET,by Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations Commission on Human Rights called on Tuesday for combating defamation of religions, especially Islam, and condemned discrimination against Muslims in the West's war on terrorism.

The 53-member state forum adopted a resolution, presented by Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), deploring the intensification of a "campaign of defamation" against Muslims following the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.

Utter corruption at the UN is hiding behind the skirts of "religion." Get this:

"In a recent report, the U.N. special investigator on racism, Doudou Diene,cited examples including "Islamophobic violence" after the murder last Novemberof Dutch film director Theo Van Gogh, and an "alarming number of expulsions ofimams" in Europe."

Pause on this a moment. "Doudou"? How utterly appropriate.

That utterly worthless organization called the United Nations, deciding by group collusion that Islam is a poor, picked-upon,and discrimated religion creates only nausea, not surprise.

So, by contrast, how did the "good guys" do in this encounter? Well, according to this article, they left their balls at home. Says the journalist writing this piece, "Western countries, including the United States and European Union (EU), voted against the text, calling it unbalanced for failing to address problems suffered by other religious groups."

Utter cowardice from the Western countries leaps out of this statement. They did not challenge that poisonous ideology of Islam as having any validity whatsoever. No, that would have taken fortitude.

They hid behind the lack of inclusion of Buddhists, Hindus, Klingons, Zoroastrians, Romulans, scientologists, creationists, Christian Reconstructionists and Identity Christians, shintoists, feringis, Jews, and whomeverelse can be pulled out of the air. How utter postmodern: We are all victims, if we are religionists, and we all need protecting. Implied in this is that all religions are valid.

Setting aside for the time being whether religion is valid, and defining just what "valid" means, how can anyone look at Islam through the lens of reason, its history, its doctrines, and its modern behavior, and think this Nazi-like ideology needs protection?

For a moment just substitute "Nazism" for "Islam" and "Nazi" for "Muslim." Then ask yourself if Nazis and Nazism needed protection. This is no idle substitution. Nazism and Islam are uncannily alike right down to fundamentals and right up to practices.

Looking at current events and world history, who has needed protection among these pairs? Islam-Christianity. Islam-Judaism. Islam-Hinduism. Islam-Buddhism.

Among the ferocious religions, which is the most ferocious? Are there Christian sects any longer that are really aggressive? Other than running their mouths, these days, Christians just mill about smartly, resembling Brownian motion. How about those Hindus? Well, some Hindus burn their women, and that is morally intolerable, but most just wallow in their squalor in silence. How about those Buddhists? Of course! They are a ferocious group, with their vows of utter passivity.

We are running out of choices. Those Ferengis, Romulans, and Klingons, well, they are rather remote, you might say. Yes, too remote to be of concern.

And the militant atheists? The who? Where? Talk about your unprotected minorities!

Who is left? Why, bless my soul, it is the Muslims. Well, surely it is the Jews who keep them stirred up, right? It must be so because the Muslims say it is so. Right? Unfortunately, history shows that it is just the other way around: the Muslims almost single-handedly created Jew-hatred and persecution, right from their beginnings. Like Hitler, they need Jews to hate, for exactly the same reason Adolf did.

In fact, Muslims have carried the torch of hate for any religion that is not Islam, even for those who have no religion at all. Wherever there are Muslims, there is chronic strife.

Muslims parasitize from everyone and destroy all progress. They have created nothing and can do nothing that they have not taken from someone else. Even then, they can't progress beyond whatever technician level of knowledge they have parasitized. They have been really good at murder, rape, pillage, conquest, and slavery. They have never been at peace with anyone who has had the misfortune to be near them.

Says the journalist, quoting UN eggheads: "Stereotyping of any religion as propagating violence or its association with terrorism constitutes defamation of religion. It unfortunately breeds a culture of hatred, disharmony and discrimination," Pakistan's envoy, Masood Khan, said in a speech on behalf of the OIC, which links 57 Islamic nations.There was "a growing trend of defamation of Islam and discrimination faced by Muslims and the people of Arab descent in many parts of the world," he said, citing attacks on places of worship and religious symbols."

Don't you just want to cry rivers of tears?

Adding to this was that great tower of gelatin from Holland, "Discrimination based on religion or belief is not confined to any one religion nor to any one part of the world," said Dutch ambassador Ian de Jong."

These UN people, including our own, are the kind of people who can fall face first into a hot, steaming pasture paddy and get up with big grins on their faces. These are people who just take up space on the great continuum. They are not the best we have--they are the worst.

A set of governmental balls would identify Islam as the real "terror" problem and act for the defense of America accordingly. Those Muslims not already citizens would be exited stage right back to wherever they came from, or at least out of America. Any Muslims who are citizens acting covertly or overtly on behalf of jihad would feel the full force of American law, not this spineless stuff we have now. Those Muslims at peace, respecting rights of fellow Americans, and who really are not supporting the Muslim bad guys with money and materiel, would have no problem with any of us. They would have to realize that Islam makes being a Muslim and being an American totally incompatible, which keeps Muslims under a cloud of suspicion interminably. (None yet renounces the ferocious tenets of Islam).

A set of governmental balls would take us out of the UN immediately and cancel any and all payments. We would immediately give the UN two weeks to vacate personnel and materiel from the building and be gone by the end of that two weeks. We would then auction off the property to private enterprise, pay the New York City parking tickets from the auction proceeds, and watch something good be made by private enterprise of something that is very, very bad.

Would would the members go, and what would the UN do? As long as they get the hell off of USA soil, who cares? As a suggestion, maybe they could go to one of those beloved Middle Eastern countries where they could preserve and protect that poor delicate religion of Islam. Now that would be justice.


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