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Saturday, July 02, 2005

D. C. Watson's Birthday Card to America

America's Day

July 4th, 1776

The United States of America declares its independence, and a new nation is born.

A new nation whose independence was won through war and sacrifice.

Independence certainly earned.

As we celebrate our 229th birthday, it gives all of us the perfect opportunity to reflect back to what has made the United States the most successful nation in history.

This is an opportunity to remember the sacrifices and backbreaking work that has made America the jewel in the world's crown.

An opportunity to remember and appreciate the fact that every shred of this hard work and sacrifice was not so selflessly given by those who we've inherited this wonderful country from, so it could be handed away to intolerant Islamic intruders who have already compromised the history and future of Europe, who, instead of migrating here to live the American dream, which would have been welcomed, have instead migrated here with deceptive smiles on their faces, soft spoken voices, and claims of peacefulness, who, in all actuality, are offended by our lifestyle, continuously attempt to maneuver themselves into our political landscape, indoctrinate our school children, file discrimination and libel lawsuits, continue to be arrested and convicted of terror and fraud related crimes, whining along the way, with their ultimate goal not being one of plurality and tolerance, but a goal of taking over our house with their own bigoted, intolerant, discriminatory beliefs.

Or to illegal aliens, who so blatantly disrespect our laws to gain entry into this nation, so that they can commit violent crimes against unsuspecting American citizens and drain the economy that continues to be driven by the hard work of the American people.

This nation was not won, and has not thrived, for the purpose of allowing intolerant people from other lands the chance to arrive on our shores and turn America into their third world style animal kingdom. Perhaps our elected officials should be the first this weekend to reflect on the historical facts leading to America's founding, for many of them seem to have forgotten what being an American, and representing the American people actually entails.

America is what it is. Americans are who they are. If this is unacceptable to those of you in the immigrant crowd, then go back to the wonderland you came from. You won't be missed, and no tears will be shed over your departure.

May God bless this nation and her people, always.


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