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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Here's What I Think: A Reader Sounds Off About the Muslim Problem

America's government and its bureaucratic and elected officials are sitting on a time-bomb, and they seem to have no idea that is the situation. The same applies to other Western civilization governments. American's are enraged; Europeans may be getting there.

Normal, everyday Americans get disregarded, mistreated, and utterly ignored by governmental functionaries. The President ignores the borders, to America, and to Iraq. The politicians at all levels are the most spineless, visionless, and truly useless human beings on the planet. The bureaucrats are as bad, if not worse. That august body, the Supreme Court, has become the foremost enemy of the people.

You know what this sounds like? It sounds like the years immediately preceeding 1776.

The governmental approach to the problem of Muslims seems to be universally inept across the globe. Our president gets all dewy-eyed thinking about this great religion of peace and its peaceful adherents, many of which are cutting our people to shreds in Iraq and subverting all they can within America. The President, well, he just don't see it, no how--it isn't Muslims killing Americans and Iraqis, it's "terrorists" and "insurgents" who have "hijacked a great religion."

Mr. and Mrs. America, Ms. America, etc., see the truth. They see the Muslim problem, and they see the utter sycophantic and obsequious approach of those who should be serving Mr. and Mrs. America and their Constitution. They also know damned good and well that another 9-11 style event or set of events is coming, sooner than later. They see that the efforts exerted by the government are against Mr. and Mrs. America, to suppress them, to intimidate them, to deny their rights.

Self-righteous Muslims inside America do everything they can to wage covert and overt jihad against America. They thrash about, proclaiming their "rights," protesting everything they can beg, borrow, and steal from all the other I-am-a-victim groups and the Leftist anti-American lawyers. Mr. and Mrs. America see utterly flaming fool senators like Durbin and Reid and Representatives like Pelosi and Rangel engage in the most anti-American rhetoric ever heard in American history.

Well, stand by. When the "fit hits the shan" again, when Muslims attack America anew, many, many Americans will not wait for their indolent and cowardly government to protect them. They got the message, and it reads something like "Turn the other cheek." American citizens will take on and solve the Muslim problem--unless Muslims solve it first, and do so very quickly. I just saw a wonderful poster which said that America's original homeland security comes from the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

Coincidental to this reader's submission, we just posted an article on 6th Column Against Jihad addressing this matter, America, Muslims, and the Future.

Here are the thoughts of one reader on the matter:

World-wide, Muslim groups are rushing into print and before every television camera available to "condemn" the London bombings of 7 July 2005. Well, nobody ever said Arabs and other Muslims are stupid. It's the contents and processes of their Islamic minds that merit total contempt, not their intelligence. Their intelligence is telling them that their own Islamic Doomsday Clock is nearing midnight.They are runnin' scared. And they should.

I think you can even push Europeans too far, and that includes "old Europe" Europeans. The Swedes might be the exception since socialism has made them too lazy to move themselves out of the way of any oncoming juggernaut; they want the government to move them, but the government have waved their white flags and now cheer for the opposition.

One of these days, sooner than later, jihadists will finally do it here and abroad. They will have added the straw which breaks the camel’s back. Where and what cannot be foretold. What can be predicted with absolute certainty is Muslim-quest: the ceaseless seeking to cease existing while destroying many innocent people somewhere. One of these coordinated events will make the Islamic Doomsday Clock reach midnight.

At midnight on the Islamic Doomsday Clock, the world will undergo surgery. It will be called "radical Islam-ectomy." The "radical" part will not refer to that cowardly term the dhimmi-minded use to refer to those “few bad actors of Islam,” you know, those few who make up "radical Islam." No, no. When that second hand hits 2400 hours, the scalpel will fall—and it will fall on Islam. Like a cancerous organ, Islam will be removed radically from civilization, with very wide margin excisions and excisions of many, many satellite sites, which just might be hosting the cancer. Can’t take any chances, you know.

Islam will become more unpopular than Prohibition and the military draft combined. Finding Islamic faithful will become a true sport.

Catholics will be able to dust off their "dispensation" kits and run off applications. Conversions will run rampant, from Islam, to ___: anything non-Islam. Anyone so complected as to suggest he might be an Arab, thus a Muslim (even though not all Arabs are Muslims any more than all Muslims are Arab), will be found in the line outside Michael Jackson's facial bleaching clinic. Bubbas won't be particular, however.

That group of experts who make a legitimate living imploding old buildings will have more mosque offers than they could fill in 300 years, going 24/7, but Bubbas won't wait—they will displace the Roman candle with the mosque candle. “Halal” signs will signal new Underground Railroad stops. Only this one won't be slaves fleeing to freedom. No sir, this will be a railroad to Oblivion. A whole lot of new “Joes,” “Jims,” “Jacks, and “Jills” will stream out of government buildings in tank tops, shorts, and flip-flops. Pork in wine sauce will soar in demand in restaurants, and convenience stores won’t be able to keep porkrinds in stock.

“Enough” will have gone from being a plastic, odorless, colorless, and useless United-Nations-like term to meaning, well, enough. Fancy that, words meaning what they say; why, the next you know, people using words meaningfully will insist on being taken seriously. And, those who will mistakenly think they are still listening to UN-speak when they hear the new intent, will, as Toby Keith might say, get a “boot in their ass,” or “boots in their asses,” as the circumstances dictate. Being taken seriously will suddenly mean “being” “taken” “seriously,” seriously.

CAIR staff, including its cheap-suit lawyer battalion, will be close on the heels of Grover Norquist hightailing it for the sands of old Saudi, followed by all Islamic pressure groups, now redesignated by popular international convention as “targets.” Ah, the safety of it all. There’s just nothing like getting into a cat box to make one feel safe, particularly one that stays about 130 degrees all the time.

Plumbers will become the richest people on earth, pulling all of those korans out of toilets and freeing sewage lines. GITMO will have become utopian after demonstrations of Uday’s plastic shredder, which will then be sent on tour to America’s prisons. Speaking of the United Nations, where did it go? France? You’re kidding! There’s just a big ol’ empty building in New York now. Well, at least, all those darned old parking tickets got paid.

Some out there in old Islam won't get the message, or the memo, no matter what. Some just never do. And some who do, say they didn’t. That gives them a chance to hang onto their own message. What message, you ask? Anger? They're angry, you say? No! But, haven’t they have been "angry, humiliated, shamed, and vengeful" for 14 centuries now? Well, they can’t help it if they are Johnny-One-Emotions—they had bad childhoods, and besides, they’re victims. We made 'em that way because we failed to understand them when they rammed passenger jets into New York and D.C. Yep, Islam, if it has taught them nothing else, has taught them to speak and act just like Teddy Kennedy--having endless temper tantrums and demanding that their 7th century CE ideas run the world.

Take heart. You will be able to view those who would not get the message or the memo preserved for an eternity in the new all Middle East glass museum. You will be able to see them even at night, due to the glow.

Yes, sir, when that second hand hits 2400 hours, good people around the world will have taken, lying down, their last beheadings, their last car bombings, their last bus and subway bombings, their last 9-11s, 3-11s, and 7-7s. No more Theo Van Goghs. No more Tel Avivs, Haifas, Jerusalems. No more in-your-face-obnoxious-savages
spouting an ideology that even shark packs would reject. No more nuclear Pakistans and Irans. No more pests like Syria—in fact, no more Syria. No more double-dealing bastards like present-day Saudi Arabia. No more sub-sub-sub-human behavior by African koran-thumpers. No more night club bombings by Indonesian crazies wearing coffee filters for hats. No more oil-funded, pot-stirring, lying by the I-hate-life crowd, like Al-Jazeera. For that matter, no more Mecca, Medina, Qom, Najaf or any other place Islamic savages call "holy."

"Palestinians" will have "emigrated" en masse overnight to Tehran and Riyadh, using hologrammed one-way tickets depicting their fate if they return to Israel. Israeli military jets will fly off US carriers to “practice” all over Iran, and the biggest worry in Israel will become what time the new movie starts, not when the next Muslim hatches. The free world will take back the oil, which had been nationalized” (robbed) from them following their development of it. The free world will pass out oil to light the clay night lamps of Greater Burkaville. Islamia will have no need for oil otherwise. If they want more, Islamia will always be able to draw on all of that latent genius, productivity, and civilization they keep crowing about having, thanks to Islam.

Islam will finally have pissed off the world, and the world will step on it like grinding its heel on a blood engorged tick.

Of course, the world will still have the soft-formed left after Islam departs for the nether world. That will be a good time to deal with the residual welt-jellyfish. Maybe the world can learn the lessons from the past of not finishing jobs: e.g., Russia after the fall of Nazi Germany; Iraq after Kuwait; Vietnam; Korea; and so on.

The world will need to undergo an international “mitosis,” to create two new cells to replace the old cell. One cell will hold those who have put Islam out of their misery and have returned to the reality and enjoyment of capitalist living. The other cell will scrap the EU name and become known as "Cowardia," and their currency will cease being "euros," and become C.Y.A.s (acronym for "cover your ass"; very popular in Washington and big businesses). "Puckering" will be the capital of Cowardia, and Cowardia itself will be the designated welt-dump for all the garbage of the world, whether human or other. When the world needs the next enema, everyone will know where to insert the wand.

Oh, yes, we will have to reset and rewind that doomsday clock and assign it to the next international pain-in-the-ass.


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