A Useful Song for Rep. Tom Tancredo
Country singer Toby Keith wrote a terrific song a few years back, one that beleagured Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado should consider using.
Congressman Tancredo has that perfectly awful habit of facing the truth and speaking it squarely, and that upsets the politically correct. Those politically correct people these days come both from the Right and the Left, depending on which issue Mr. Tancredo has spoken about. When he dared speak of even considering taking out Mecca and Medina should Islamists launch nuclear strikes on the American homeland, the "righteous" Right joined the lugubrious Left to strut their protests ostentatiously so that all of the world could see how "morally superior" they think they are. Even some ordinarily sensible persons on various anti-Islamic websites were in high dudgeon. Thusfar, the Stupidity Response Meter clearly favors the Right, who are showing just how politically correct and morally unreliable they really are.
All of the protests centered about several points. From the Right, how dare that idiot Tancredo suggest that we attack another's religion and its symbols; from the Left, how dare he suggest that we are at war with Muslims and Islam; from the anti-Islamic sites, how dare he alienate the moderate Muslims. Separating these protests into three groups is just an intellectual exercise because all three protestors mixed and matched these with great fluidity. Of course, there seemed not to be anyone who was protesting addressing (1) Islam is a toxic, nihilistic ideology passing itself off as a religion, (2) Muslims and Islam declared war on us, and (3) moderate Muslims come from moderate Islam, which does not exist. The fact that a rattlesnake might not be striking you at a given moment should not be construed as meaning that the rattlesnake loves you, and its corollary: the rattlesnake always sees you as the enemy.
Ordinarily, it is just the Left and those from the loon wing of the Right who protest Congressman Tancredo when he exposes the wetback invasion of America and the federal government's refusal to protect us from godknowswhat coming across open borders to south and the north. Poor man; if he would just shut up and go to the back of the bus, he might be acceptable--to the Tancredo-haters.
Well, guess what happened today, 21 July 2005? Before the evening rush hour in old liberal London, "they" did it again: Four explosions of sorts, thankfully inert due to apparent terrorist ineptness, with few injuries and no deaths. This is two weeks to the day since the last attacks (7 July 2005). It seems that London, if not all of England, still walks about with a "kick me" sign taped to its back. Does anyone remember that some Islamic lunatic boasted earlier this week that what is happening in England is just the beginning of 50 years of "bloody attacks" by Islamists against the West?
Who did this? Why, it had to be Scandanavian grandmothers launching from their nursing homes. No, wait, it was a gang of children under age 6. Both groups have been severely screened at airports and other check points, but they must have learned ways around the system. Television news reports indicated that London police were chasing a "bearded man," and they were looking for an "asian" man of dark skin wearing a blue "topper" (which I take to be a wind-breaker jacket or the like), with "wires sticking out of its top." No, no, no. Don't say it. Saying it breaks the code of silence of political correctness. That is what Congressman Tancredo did, and one must never say these things. That way they won't be true.
Well, Congressman Tancredo, that brings to mind the song. They hate you for speaking the truth, and they get all embarrassed in some sections of Colorado, particularly the liberal press, because you say that which they fear to face.
You keep at it. You are saying what needs to be said and facing what needs to be faced, and you are having one hell of a positive impact. Just look at the stuff CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and that Turkish diplomat have been saying, for starters. They have become used to getting their way and bullying cowardly Americans into retreats and apologies, as well as scaring them to death with their Saudi financed legal suit machine. They threaten and cowardly Americans run. Not you. You stood up, and they absolutely did not know how to handle it. They showed just how their bluster covers severe weakness. You showed the way, the way Americans should stand up and stop being bullied by Islamists, the Mexican government, and all of the other pressure groups.
You have the last laugh, coming today courtesy of London. As Toby Keith sang, "How do you like me now?" It fits, Congressman Tancredo. Use it.
At Thu Jul 21, 08:42:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
You make some wonderful points in your column. Cong. Tancredo is a brave man. If he runs for president in 2008, I will support him.
At Fri Jul 22, 06:27:00 AM PDT,
Anonymous said…
Tancredo is quite brave, if he runs, he'll have my support.
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