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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Do Not Lose Site of the Leftist Attempt to Hijack the 9-11 Memorial at Ground Zero

At this moment in America's history, so much is going on, all of which must be kept in minds by pro-Americans, that items must take turns coming into the spotlight, on rotation. Cox and Forkum have published this outstanding political cartoon and accompanying outstanding editorial about how the New York Times supports the wrong side of the memorial struggle, again.

Here's the "meat" of the Times' editorial:

Keeping Ground Zero Free - New York Times, July 12, 2005

...[I]n the past few weeks, we've watched a handful of vocal family members, who may not represent a majority of 9/11 families, change the dynamic at the World Trade Center site for the worse. They have begun a movement to "take back the memorial," which means, in essence, eventually purging ground zero of its cultural partners, including the International Freedom Center.

There must be no mistake about this. If the Drawing Center is forced to withdraw from ground zero rather than accept the censorship of exhibitions that are yet to be imagined, no other respectable arts institution will take its place.

If the International Freedom Center must continually bend over backward to placate handful of angry family members, then all of its commitment to the conscience of that site, to what it can teach us about the character of freedom in the world, will have been compromised.

The emphases are ours, and we used them to point out the Orwellian-Speak in that heinous editorial. Don't believe any of it.

This is New-York-Times-Speak aimed at blowing fog to obscure while trying to use its journalistic and editorial talents to appear to "wear the cloak of reason." It is simply Times-Lying--the Times trying to fool the gullible and preach to the liberal choir.

The edifice the Left want to erect over Ground Zero will be a continuing effort to document all the ways we should be ashamed of being American. Don't take our word for it. Go to Take Back the Memorial. Read it for yourself.

We have seen the Leftist project manager, Richard Tobin, several times on television. Tobin tried to blow smoke and to spin, spin, spin, but even the host admitted that this man merely confirmed every criticism offered by Mrs. Burlingame, who is heading the opposition to the Left.

If the Left are successful, 9-11 will be swallowed out of sight, to be replaced with every wrong, ever done, by any American and any Westerner at any time. Not only is the intent anti-American, it is anti-Western, and perversely, anti-freedom. It is to be built with tax dollars to give liberals a perch from which to urinate on America.

Don't lose sight of this issue and the wonderful efforts of the Take Back the Memorial campaign.