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Friday, December 30, 2005

We Are All On Trial With Oriana

Incredibly Oriana Fallaci, journalist and outspoken freedom fighter against fascism, has found herself to be labeled a vilipend, an worthless abuser, for exposing and continuing to speak and write against Islam and the Muslim fifth column that has infiltrated and in a de-facto manner, overtaken European territory and the European psyche.

Oriana met with world figures, from Kissinger to Qaddafi and even interview the Ayatollah Khomeini whom defied by ripping off the enforced headscarf when he was in one of his rants. She went into semi-retirement and re-imerged from a self-imposed exile by the clarion call of 9/11, the same clarion that has alerted many of us to continue our quest to grab the attention of a sleeping public and our corrupted and clueless political and bureaucratic classes.


Then after a lengthy hiatus, Oriana Fallaci found herself lured from a self-imposed exile by the clarion call of 9/11. 
She spoke and wrote forcefully about the peril a free, pluralistic, democratic, and secular society faced at the hands of an Islamic jihad. She condemned terrorism everywhere and called out the Euro-leftists who marched in solidarity with Palestinian terrorists – including some elements of the Vatican. Straining against the vivid memories of a war correspondent and every inclination of her heart, she supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, writing of her anguish:
I hate [war] as the pacifists in bad or good faith never will. I loathe it. Every book I have written overflows with that loathing, and I cannot bear the sight of guns…When peace stands for surrender, fear, loss of dignity and freedom, it is no longer peace. It's suicide.
It was in this period that she committed her unpardonable sin: she published “the trilogy” of books examining the threat of jihad in detail: The Rage and the Pride, The Force of Reason, and The Apocalypse.
The cancer-stricken 75-year-old woman was promptly demonized by the Islamic world, by the European Left, and even demonized as a racist by Newsweek.
Her crime? She exposed the threat of Islamic jihad – from without and within. Europe, she wrote, is becoming “an Islamic province, an Islamic colony.” Describing increasingly Muslim Europe, she wrote, “In each of our cities lies a second city: a Muslim city, a city run by the Quran.” When Shari’a rules certain areas of Christendom’s ancient home continent, and French girls cannot go through certain Parisian neighborhoods without wearing a burqa without fear of being raped, few could argue with her insight.
She frankly says she is against Islam, not because she opposes religious freedom, but because she believes in it. As she has said, after 9/11, “they want to come impose it on me, on us.” She calls herself “a Catholic atheist,” and she realizes the world cannot survive half-secular and half-theocratic, anymore than it can survive half-slave and half-free.

Oriana is being tried in absentia and will be found guilty of breaking Italy's hate-speech law by exposing Islam for what it is. These laws are popping up all over Europe, and parts of Australia, the same kind of law that is chilling free speech where speakers must carefully choose their words for fear of offending Muslims. These same laws are in effect in Muslims countries against non-Muslims who dare not speak against or even complain.

So far we on North America are not affected by hate-speech laws, but there is a definite trend to vilify by labeling us racists, xenophobes and bigots. Essentially the outcome of Oriana's trial will be our fate. She will be condemned in absentia and the outcome will be telegraphed worldwide as a victory against Islamophobes. We must continue to be brave.


  • At Sat Dec 31, 01:39:00 PM PST, Blogger Always On Watch said…

    You said, So far we on North America are not affected by hate-speech laws, but there is a definite trend to vilify by labeling us racists, xenophobes and bigots. Essentially the outcome of Oriana's trial will be our fate.

    Oriana Fallaci is a hero. Can the truth be silenced? Well, maybe for a while. But truth has a way of resurrecting--at least, that's my hope.


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