Ya' Know What GITMO Needs?
O'Reilly visited San Islamia Prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Friday. After the suicide report, he stated that he learned that the bleeding heart "prisoner rights" handwringers had pressured the military to paint cell windows black so that the prisoners could have more privacy. Three of them were able to commit suicide over the weekend in full privacy. That's rich: Be careful what you ask for...
But, the three prisoners-for-life used their bedsheets in all that privacy to commit suicide.
It is obvious what GITMO needs: More sheets!
At Sun Jun 11, 01:59:00 PM PDT,
Unknown said…
Why don't we just march them a few miles, and let Castro take care of them.
At Mon Jun 12, 12:00:00 AM PDT,
John Sobieski said…
Robert Spencer spent a day or 2 at Centcom. Today the War Dept called the suicides a pr strategy. Maybe they are actually beginning to understand the Musulman's mind.
At Mon Jun 12, 06:52:00 AM PDT,
George Mason said…
This is good news. When CENTCOM started asking sites like ours to exchange links, I took that to be a good sign. Spencer's time at CENTCOM is yet another.
At Tue Jun 13, 09:45:00 AM PDT,
Jason Pappas said…
Yes, someone at CentCom is using their heads. Now if we can just get a Commander-In-Chief who can explicate the nature of the threat …
At Tue Jun 13, 03:36:00 PM PDT,
Cubed © said…
"...a Commander-In-Chief who can explicate the nature of the threat..."
The very thought of such a thing is more soothing than a jetted spa and a glass of wine...
At Tue Jun 13, 04:15:00 PM PDT,
George Mason said…
Oh, Jason, have you ever fingered a dilemma. There's an old mountain music tune with a title that really applies to our pickle: The Fields Have Turned Brown. I wonder how many more years America can survive on its own fabulous American subsconscious despite its "leadership." The right people are not in politics now, and we do not have a political mechanism (political party) yet to throw the bums out.
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