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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Plain Crazy

A fascinating story from the Telegraph in England spells out clearly the destructiveness of "political correctness."

It starts with the BBC report of serious racial discrimination among Metropolitan Police. Like the American media, the BBC reported what it wanted, in contrast to objective facts. The Telegraph tells the rest of the story, beginning with "It did indeed find that black officers and staff faced discrimination. But its most explosive finding was that this problem was caused by political correctness, rather than remedied by it."

Then, in accordance with proper journalistic principles, the Telegraph asks "Why?" and answers. Hold on to your chair for the answer: "A disproportionate number of ethnic minority officers face disciplinary proceedings. Why? Because, in the post-Macpherson Met, the mere mention of race makes senior officers freeze like rabbits in the headlights, to quote one interviewee. And so, "when faced with minor misbehaviour by an ethnic minority officer, they will either retreat into the formal disciplinary process, with all the protections that the rules provide, or will turn a blind eye and only intervene at some later stage where serious misbehaviour has occurred"."

One of the purposes of political correctness is to destabilize society by destroying assimilation in any of its social forms. Pressure group politics replaces reason. In England, as in America, sundry pressure groups form and come forward to "get theirs." This report in England flushed out "the Association of Senior Women Officers, the Jewish Police Association, the Gay Police Association, the Association of Muslim Police and the Police Anglo-Italian Association." These groups complained that they have been overlooked. They suggest a nest full of hatchling birds all noisily and narcissistically competing for food from the parent bird .

The effect? The Telegraph article put it elegantly: " the balkanisation of police forces into self-obsessed lobbies." Do you still doubt? The Telegraph answers: " A Jewish employee deplores the lack of kosher food for riot police; an officer with arthritis complains that he is forced to stand up on the train; and so on."

When I was in the Navy in the 1990s, we underwent all sorts of "sensitivity" training, including for the absurd concept of "diversity." So, it is very clear what the Telegraph means when it says: "On the whole, however, the Morris report reveals more confusion than resentment. "There is no common understanding of diversity within the Metropolitan Police," it laments. In other words, awareness-raising exercises have created as much difference as they have managed."

One of the effects of political correctness has been to reduce people to becoming public fools, falling all over themselves to be "correct," without the slightest idea what that really means. To illustrate from the Telegraph: "One black policeman in the report says he felt pressured to join the Black Police Association, and is fed up with being "pushed to the front in photos".

If you want to know the origins of political correctness and its purposes, read David Horowitz's new book, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left.

If you want to end "political correctness," to replace it with reason, then learn what the concept of Rights of Man means. Rights are social actions required by the nature of human beings for each to meet human needs. For elaboration, see my article "Do Not Support the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights." Rights resolve otherwise unresolvable messes like "diversity," and totally abolish "political correctness."

If you want a non-collectivized future, you must grasp once and for all the concept of rights and their proper implementation. Otherwise, you will continue to descend into a social "Dr. Caligari's Cabinet" while awaiting the arrival of the next Hitler.


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