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Thursday, January 27, 2005

America Is Now a "Free Market of Religion". Will That Change With Islamification?

It is true that Islam is the fastest growing world religion. However under close examination we find that fluctuation of numbers of adherents or congregants does not occur as it does in the West because under Islam the rules are different.

Westerners, dissatisfied with their religion or their clerical leadership, because of intermarriage, or any other personal reason, often move from sect to sect or leave religion all together, although few really do. There is little stigma attached to this practice.

Islam, however, has a much more rigid view and takes a jaundiced if not authoritarian stand against change of religion called apostasy. Christians that move from sect to sect or change their religion to Buddhism or Judaism would be considered apostates. Needless to say, apostasy is severely frowned upon under Islam.

But the biggest no-no under Islam is Muslim apostasy. Muslims that leave Islam become criminals. Apostasy for Muslims brings a death sentence. Even converts, or “new Muslims, aren’t allowed to return to their previous religion. Islam actively recruits new believers under the system of d’awa but will never let them go.

The religious playing field in Islam is uneven. Muslim countries allow private worship for non-Muslims. That means that existing churches and synagogues cannot display religious symbols, ring bells, sing hymns, distribute or even print religious tracts.
Proselytizing is a serious no-no with unfortunate consequences: prison or death. As sanctuary building is considered part of proselytizing, nothing new can be built and existing structures may not be improved.

The lot for Christians and Jews is unpleasant, considered to be people of the book, but the situation is even worse for other religions such as Buddhists, Hindus, animists, Wiccans, or even atheists. There is no tolerance at all for these religions.

The free market bazaar of religion will be razed quickly once Islam comes to power either through influence or the power of sheer demographics. In fact, freedom and liberty itself will be changed or eliminated as we have seen happen so often in the Muslim countries.

Will we allow ourselves to be conquered through the stealth, the slow changes that come about through influence. Influence can be as blatant and visible as Congressional lobbying or as seemingly innocuous as the funding of Middle Eastern studies departments of universities with strings attached or the hiring of previous U.S. government employees to serve on boards of directorates, participate in think tanks, on select committees. Influence is often peddled when lobbyists act as agents for Muslim countries or when previous government employees are paid consultants.

All these are encouraging a Muslim way of thinking or doing that is contrary to liberty and the freedom of thought and action, including freedom of religion.

When Americans suggest that the Constitution will protect us from change, they have forgotten that historically constitutions have come and gone and have been trampled by invading armies that have installed totally new and totally different governments, changing forever the lot of their conquest.

America, the land of the free and open-market for religion will cease to exist as have so many others under Islam if we don’t care enough to guard or liberties and stop influence peddling and to stop judicial activism that has slanted or moved the founder’s intent away from freedom and liberty to intolerance and despotism under which the freedom of religious change would become a crime.


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