Is a Cause of America’s Immigration Problem “Immigration Anarchy”?
Anarchy has been around for a long time. Sophocles, an ancient Greek playwright, refers to the evils in 442 B.C. in his “Antigone.” Everyone understands that among humans, some form of governance is necessary, but anarchy, meaning “without government,” is a tool that can be used to create a situation in which power will fall into other hands. Thus, the belief that rioting will lead to unlimited personal freedom is both dangerous and naïve.
Anarchism is the “progressive replacement of Communism in academia” since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Such notables as MIT’s Noam Chomsky and institutions such as Claremont College encourage students to adopt anarchist ideology. Young people so smitten have rioted against globalization, but with a twist: disillusioned communists and socialists are in charge and have refused to abandon their goal of world domination.
One of their “gambits” is open borders, and a similar philosophy is an open society. Immigration is touted as the solution to America’s economic problems and immigrants are praised as “hardworking risk takers” that deserve to be included in the promise of America and to share in the rights and privileges of American citizens.
Those activists who “include open borders in their game plane for creating confusion and disorder in the United States” have been labeled “immigration anarchists.”
In the press we often see ski-masked anarchists in waves of violence, breaking windows, throwing bombs, pillaging, plundering, make anti-globalization statements about the misuse of government power, of exploitation by transnational companies, and of pollution and degradation of the environment. Their protests mask a more sinister agenda: the overthrow of the United States and the hijacking of world government into their hands. The stage is being set and conditions are being formed so that Americans and the world will be willing participants and even grateful for being pulled out of the coming chaos that inevitably anarchy would bring.
This is a well-thought out plan for the take over of an oligarchy. The struggle will be to determine the make up of the oligarchial world council.
Already we see Europe in the grip of socialism and the beginnings chaos brought on by Islamo-fascist terror. Personal responsibility has been overthrown on both sides of the Atlantic and nihilism, rampant in the Muslim world, is on the rise in America. Nationalism is being downplayed as internationalism and world citizenship is touted as a virtue. National borders are being erased and protesting citizens are being condemned as xenophobic.
In the United States we see both apathy toward national heritage that devalues U.S. citizenship and the respect for U.S. laws, and the ethnic and religious identity movements that would Balkanize the United States and Canada. Some immigrant special-interest groups refuse to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants and put forward immigrant culture, ethos, heritage, language as their imperative for special treatment: bilingual education, official business in other languages, recognition of religious preferences that must be reinforced in law. They argue: “every foreign nationality regardless of immigration status are due all the rights of citizenship, even voting rights…[and] that immigrants need not assimilate but may keep their own cultures.”
It doesn’t take much of an imagination to understand the implication and effect of continued immigration by such groups will have on the United States. The immigrant special-interest groups, in reality, “want a nation divided” with laws to apply only “when immigrants choose to obey them.” Amazingly some misguided jurists have gone so far as to opine “illegal aliens” have the same constitutional rights as U.S. citizens.
And we must not forget the present struggle with world Islamists that wish to re-create the Caliphate and the united body of the Ummah, or Muslim fellowship against who we are presently engaged in a world war. A network of agents operates all over the world and several of them have been apprehended since the World Trade Center bombing on September 11, 2001. Some American Muslims applaud their actions and tenants of Islam tend to support the ideology of jihad extremism. Some Muslim groups refuse to assimilate and are among those that would balkanize the United States with ultimate goal of creating an Islamic republic that would eventually become a part of a new caliphate.
The present goal of the Islamists, however, is with the no-border advocates “who see to bring the United States down to the economic and social level of Third-World nations. To do this they “seek a poorly educated populace ruled by weak government controlled by a totalitarian oligarchy.” Obviously their vision of the ruling world oligarchy would be Muslim under Sharia Law.
Immigrants have changed. In the past immigrants were grateful to come to take part in the American dream. They chose to learn English and to adopt American mores. In fact, many refused to allow their children to learn the languages and customs of the old country for fear they would be marked or would seem “less American.” They generally obeyed the rules and staunchly obeyed the laws of the land and were willing to be assimilated into the melting pot into one indivisible nation. “E Pluribus Unam,” Latin for “One from many” or “Out of many, one,” was taken to heart with great pride.
All of that changed around 1970. Today immigration anarchists are striving to Balkanize the United States by creating enclaves of immigrants who refuse to assimilate, who pledge their loyalties to foreign governments, who participate in politics in other countries and even hold political offices in these countries as dual citizenship now permits.
Owing no allegiance to the United States and disdainful of the American way of life, they are here “merely for economic gain.” They “opt to accentuate their ethnic differences”, and many choose to send their children to schools sponsored by their home countries so as not to be influenced or polluted by American culture. Influential groups such as academia, the news media, philanthropic trusts, progressive politicians, jurists, multiculturalists, and a growing group of America-haters are promoting or upholding these detrimental policies that will only bring irreparable harm to the United States.
Open borders advocates have seen to it that labeling dissenters as bigots, racists, xenophobes, or even Islamophobes chills debate and discussion. Their methods are many but the result is the same:
Walsh has proposed these five steps for refuting immigration anarchy and neutralizing the anarchists that “are using the politically correct concept of open borders to create chaos”.
Do we have the political and spiritual will to neutralize the immigration anarchists and set the nation back on a secure immigration footing? Grassroots efforts are necessary to encourage Congress to include serious immigration reform, as that which is now proposed seems to be more of the same. Many business elites see open borders and cheap labor as good for America. They must be convinced that it isn’t.
Anarchism is the “progressive replacement of Communism in academia” since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Such notables as MIT’s Noam Chomsky and institutions such as Claremont College encourage students to adopt anarchist ideology. Young people so smitten have rioted against globalization, but with a twist: disillusioned communists and socialists are in charge and have refused to abandon their goal of world domination.
One of their “gambits” is open borders, and a similar philosophy is an open society. Immigration is touted as the solution to America’s economic problems and immigrants are praised as “hardworking risk takers” that deserve to be included in the promise of America and to share in the rights and privileges of American citizens.
Those activists who “include open borders in their game plane for creating confusion and disorder in the United States” have been labeled “immigration anarchists.”
In the press we often see ski-masked anarchists in waves of violence, breaking windows, throwing bombs, pillaging, plundering, make anti-globalization statements about the misuse of government power, of exploitation by transnational companies, and of pollution and degradation of the environment. Their protests mask a more sinister agenda: the overthrow of the United States and the hijacking of world government into their hands. The stage is being set and conditions are being formed so that Americans and the world will be willing participants and even grateful for being pulled out of the coming chaos that inevitably anarchy would bring.
This is a well-thought out plan for the take over of an oligarchy. The struggle will be to determine the make up of the oligarchial world council.
Already we see Europe in the grip of socialism and the beginnings chaos brought on by Islamo-fascist terror. Personal responsibility has been overthrown on both sides of the Atlantic and nihilism, rampant in the Muslim world, is on the rise in America. Nationalism is being downplayed as internationalism and world citizenship is touted as a virtue. National borders are being erased and protesting citizens are being condemned as xenophobic.
In the United States we see both apathy toward national heritage that devalues U.S. citizenship and the respect for U.S. laws, and the ethnic and religious identity movements that would Balkanize the United States and Canada. Some immigrant special-interest groups refuse to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants and put forward immigrant culture, ethos, heritage, language as their imperative for special treatment: bilingual education, official business in other languages, recognition of religious preferences that must be reinforced in law. They argue: “every foreign nationality regardless of immigration status are due all the rights of citizenship, even voting rights…[and] that immigrants need not assimilate but may keep their own cultures.”
It doesn’t take much of an imagination to understand the implication and effect of continued immigration by such groups will have on the United States. The immigrant special-interest groups, in reality, “want a nation divided” with laws to apply only “when immigrants choose to obey them.” Amazingly some misguided jurists have gone so far as to opine “illegal aliens” have the same constitutional rights as U.S. citizens.
National Council of La Raza (or The Race), a Mexican-American political organization in the United States, and its “gringo” supporters work for the elimination of all borders (land and sea) around the United States of America. Their supporters include giant philanthropies, such as the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and Carnegie Foundation.
And we must not forget the present struggle with world Islamists that wish to re-create the Caliphate and the united body of the Ummah, or Muslim fellowship against who we are presently engaged in a world war. A network of agents operates all over the world and several of them have been apprehended since the World Trade Center bombing on September 11, 2001. Some American Muslims applaud their actions and tenants of Islam tend to support the ideology of jihad extremism. Some Muslim groups refuse to assimilate and are among those that would balkanize the United States with ultimate goal of creating an Islamic republic that would eventually become a part of a new caliphate.
The present goal of the Islamists, however, is with the no-border advocates “who see to bring the United States down to the economic and social level of Third-World nations. To do this they “seek a poorly educated populace ruled by weak government controlled by a totalitarian oligarchy.” Obviously their vision of the ruling world oligarchy would be Muslim under Sharia Law.
Immigrants have changed. In the past immigrants were grateful to come to take part in the American dream. They chose to learn English and to adopt American mores. In fact, many refused to allow their children to learn the languages and customs of the old country for fear they would be marked or would seem “less American.” They generally obeyed the rules and staunchly obeyed the laws of the land and were willing to be assimilated into the melting pot into one indivisible nation. “E Pluribus Unam,” Latin for “One from many” or “Out of many, one,” was taken to heart with great pride.
All of that changed around 1970. Today immigration anarchists are striving to Balkanize the United States by creating enclaves of immigrants who refuse to assimilate, who pledge their loyalties to foreign governments, who participate in politics in other countries and even hold political offices in these countries as dual citizenship now permits.
Owing no allegiance to the United States and disdainful of the American way of life, they are here “merely for economic gain.” They “opt to accentuate their ethnic differences”, and many choose to send their children to schools sponsored by their home countries so as not to be influenced or polluted by American culture. Influential groups such as academia, the news media, philanthropic trusts, progressive politicians, jurists, multiculturalists, and a growing group of America-haters are promoting or upholding these detrimental policies that will only bring irreparable harm to the United States.
Open borders advocates have seen to it that labeling dissenters as bigots, racists, xenophobes, or even Islamophobes chills debate and discussion. Their methods are many but the result is the same:
By portraying immigrants as victims, open-borders advocates attempt to demean U.S. culture and thus render the country unable to defend its borders. Although the news media accepts the immigrant-as-victim portrayal, it is actually U.S. immigration policies that are being victimized by an unrelenting wave of untruths and distortions unprecedented in American history. Open-borders advocates offer no objective, constructive criticisms but only blatant attacks meant to fractionalize the nation. The result is immigration anarchy.
If the major goal of immigration anarchists is unbridled immigration into the United States, the latest numbers indicate their success. Estimated numbers of immigrants residing in the United States in November 2004 reached a record 34 million men, women, and children. Some sources say this total includes all immigrants, but others insist that it reflects only undocumented (illegal) immigrants. All agree that 6 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States each year since 2000.
Walsh has proposed these five steps for refuting immigration anarchy and neutralizing the anarchists that “are using the politically correct concept of open borders to create chaos”.
Step 1: Tone Down Anti-Government Rhetoric. The first step is to defuse the caustic accusations that the United States is the cause of all the world’s ills and maladies. Tone down the rhetoric against the U.S. president and the agencies enforcing immigration laws.
First Amendment free speech is not threatened by a call for civil discourse. Constructive criticism and practical solutions always will be welcomed.
Step 2: Expose One-Worlders. Anarchy is a paradox. Although anti-globalization anarchists would seem the opposite of One-Worlders, their call for open borders places them in the same camp.
One-Worlder billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Institute with foundations in 50+ countries funds radical causes, such as liberalizing U.S. immigration policy. The fallacy of his utopian ideas, disproved along with dialectical materialism, need to be exposed. Even the progressive United Nations recognizes the rights of nation-states to protect their borders.
As the leading democracy in the world, the United States has a form of government based on elections by U.S. citizens, who swear allegiance to the nation, foreswearing all others. Illegal immigrants are not U.S. citizens regardless of the One-Worlders and their strange bedfellows, the immigration anarchists. Mere presence in a country does not confer rights, and compliance with U.S. immigration laws is the first duty of those wishing to become citizens.
Step 3: Expound the Benefits of Liberty. Anarchists say that they should be free to do things they want to do, and they should not be compelled to do what they do not want to do. Although this may sound like liberty, it can only lead to chaos.
In a democracy, liberty flows naturally from the nation-state to the citizen as an inalienable right. Immigrants must be willing to assimilate or be denied the rights of citizenship. Immigration anarchists oppose this concept of liberty and malign the government that protects it.
Step 4: Reverse Balkanization. Multiculturalism at the cost of assimilation can destroy government guarantees of liberty. Balkanization by unassimilated immigrants weakens the nation. This does not mean that Chinese restaurants, Irish pubs, Italian pizza parlors, and kosher delis are to be closed; but city-states, whose residents owe allegiance to foreign countries, pose a growing threat to national unity. To qualify for U.S. benefits, legal immigrants must choose to pledge their allegiance to the United States.
Step 5: Reform Immigration Laws. U.S. immigration legislation is in dire need of reform. An immediate remedy is to require all federal, state, and local officials to report undocumented immigrants to the Department of Homeland Security, which in turn, must respond in a decisive manner.
Remedies to immigration abuse include use of an eye print, fingerprints, or other technology to create a national identity card. Such prints can be logged into a central database and checked against “wanted” lists that already exist.
Driver's licenses and Social Security cards are already unsecured national identity cards, even though such a requirement is opposed vehemently by anarchists and terrorists.
U.S. consular officers working in the field deserve better training, and the standards for granting visas need to be raised. Countries should be limited to one visa-issuing consular office, and each visa needs to be tracked by code. The administrative costs of processing and issuing travel visas need to be covered by the applicants.
Deportation of any person attempting to enter the country without proper papers needs to be expedited. The time has come for remedy.
Do we have the political and spiritual will to neutralize the immigration anarchists and set the nation back on a secure immigration footing? Grassroots efforts are necessary to encourage Congress to include serious immigration reform, as that which is now proposed seems to be more of the same. Many business elites see open borders and cheap labor as good for America. They must be convinced that it isn’t.
At Sat Jan 22, 02:02:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
when my czech grandparents came to this country they had to be sponsored by someone.
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