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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Back to Work: We Have a Republic to Save

The dratted misfortune of an unpredictable flair of pathophysiological "protest" of one of Mother Nature's mistakes in my gastro-intestinal system, really blunted my physical participation in the activities of 4 July this year, has kept me off the keyboard on 5 July, and insists on hanging around today and a few tomorrows. It's like a belly-full of Ted Kennedy, getting in the way, attaining notice by its obnoxiousness, and fully deserving of that therapeutic evacuation which cannot come soon enough now. Alas my head is also less than clear during these times as well. Nevertheless, the work at hand requires all that any of us can muster, in good as well as bad times. So, it is time to get back to work. America must preserved and protected, and we have no time to lose.

The House of Representatives has a companion bill to Senator John Cornyn's "Protection of Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Property Act of 2005." The House bill is H. R. 3087. Senator Cornyn's bill of the same name is Senate Bill S 1313.

Both bills open all members of Congress to hearing from us to get behind and pass these bills. Whether members are white, black, asian, male, female, Democrat, Republican, socialist, or liberal or conservative, they must start hearing from us with very high frequency.

That Kelo versus New London, Ct. decision by the Supreme Court provides grist for everyone's oppositional mill. For the bleeding hearts, liberals, and all other Leftists, the Supreme Court authorized total war on the "poor" and where they live. In this way, the Supreme Court--in the eyes of the Left--finally leveled the playing field. Now the "poor" are as vulnerable as the "rich" to legalized theft of their property, displacement, and being treated as rightless Americans.

The right has no problem getting aboard. They do not have the left's enemaless fecal outlook on life that washes their brains and replaces the aqueous and vitreous contents of their eyes.

To be sure, don't count on Muslims joining in. Even though they are utterly legal suit-happy and are just as vulnerable if they own property in American, they are working another agenda. And, the academics, journalists, and other media are working a parallel agenda, so they won't come on board.

WE, Americans in fly-over country, whether red or blue, will "get 'r done." Using what we wrote about the other day, that Supreme Court has decided to walk on the fighting side of me, of you, of all of us, except those joined at the hip to government largess and those looking to defang, declaw, and neuter us Americans so they can rule us. So sorry. Their time is up!


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