Nuclear Islamia
This morning, the Front Page Magazine War Blog carried two related stories: OUR FRIENDS THE NUCLEAR SAUDIS and HEAD OF ARAB LEAGUE PUSHES NUKE PROGRAMS. We looked back into our archives and found an article we published 22 July 2004, just a week after we started this blog. Bottom Line? Folks, this nuclear mess involving the Middle East Muslims is much farther along than our press have been reporting, and we are in much deeper trouble with a nuclear Islamia than anyone in "high places" dares acknowledge.
Our blog article, Words of Victor Mordecai, 22 July 2004, cited an Israeli terrorism analyst, Victor Mordecai, and his inside information. Victor wrote a book in 1997 predicting the events, in detail, of 11 September 2001, and he has been literally black-balled by all of the standard media, print and broadcast.
"He lives in Israel. His wife is an Egyptian Jew whose native tongue is Arabic; she has been monitoring Arabic and Farsi broadcasts for 20 years, gathering intelligence-applicable information. He obviously gets information from many other sources as well.
The conflict in the Middle East is fundamentally that between Shia and Sunni Islam. Since Ayatollah Khomeini set off the Iranian revolution, that revolution seeks now to take the heart of the Middle East, the oil producers. Iran stirs Iraq to get Shia Muslims to take it over, for its oil. However, Iran's biggest enemy is Saudi Arabia, because it is Sunni Islam. This conflict has been going on since the day Muhammad died, and the Shias have smouldered for revenge for 1400 years."Iran has nuclear weapons, mounted on missles, as does Saudi Arabia. Iran made its with the help of the Russians while Saudi Arabia got its from Dr. Khan in Pakistan and help from China. Shia Iran plans to annihilate Sunni Saudi Arabia which is 50% Shiite. The goal is to have a huge nuclear and oil empire taking in Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, as one huge Shiite expanse.
"Common talk across the Middle Eastern airwaves is that] as soon as is possible, Jerusalem must be destroyed by nuclear bombs. This will prove that the God of the Jews and Christians is weaker, reaffirming "Allahu Akbar," which means "Allah is greater." Greater means greater than the God of the Jews and Christians. On the other hand, if the Kaaba in Mecca should be nuked first, then it will prove that the Jewish and Christian God is greater. Muslims will abandon Islam and convert to Judaism and Christianity.
"The USA will have to invade Saudi Arabia to seize the oil fields to prevent global economic collapse. The USA remains in severe danger from Islam because of what the USA represents, which itself threatens Islam, and for what the USA can do to thwart aggressive ambitions in the Middle East."
From War Blog (Front Page Magazine), 29 March 2006
"BERLIN (AFP) - Saudi Arabia is working secretly on a nuclear programme, with help from Pakistani experts, a German magazine reports in its latest edition, citing Western security sources. The German magazine Cicero says that during the Hajj pilgrimages to Mecca in 2003 through 2005, Pakistani scientists posed as pilgrims to come to Saudi Arabia in aircraft laid on by the oil-rich kingdom...Saudi bar codes can be found on half of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons “because it is Saudi Arabia which ultimately co-financed the Pakistani atomic nuclear programme”."
"KHARTOUM, Sudan - The head of the Arab League called on Arab states Tuesday to work toward “entering the nuclear club” by developing atomic energy — a new concern for a Western world already trying to rein in Iran’s nuclear ambitions and fretting about a possible Mideast arms race. Just yesterday, Charles Krauthammer envisioned a nightmare future, not of nuclear proliferation but of hyperproliferation. That future is headed toward us, and it’s coming fast."
Put it all together, and the final statements from above bear repeating:
Just yesterday, Charles Krauthammer envisioned a nightmare future, not of nuclear proliferation but of hyperproliferation. That future is headed toward us, and it’s coming fast.
At Fri Mar 31, 01:39:00 PM PST,
Mark said…
Zama 202:
I urge you to correct this failure on your site as you are compromising the quality of your arguments and not offering your readers the very best and most rational ideas for their intellectual arsenal. Your site is in danger of becoming just another LGF conservative type clone. You are Objectivists. Stop trying to pretend that the conservatives are your intellectual allies. They are not.
I think they are! Surely, you don't think that Objectivists can fight this fight alone! We all need friends, you know.
Objectivists might well see things slightly differently from the right that you speak of, but we are ALL faced with an HUGE threat from Islam. We all - the right, the humanists, the Christians, the Objectivists, the homosexuals, the feminists, etc. - need to fight the good fight TOGETHER, to overcome. There's no sense in each grop trying to fight it alone. That makes no sense at all. And that way WE WILL LOSE!
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