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Saturday, December 18, 2004

D.C. Watson: A Call To The Worldwide Infidel Alliance

A call to anti-dhimmitude by longtime Jihad Watch reader DC Watson:
Oh, you didn’t know? No one’s told you? The threat…to our culture, no one’s said anything to you? What threat? Let me ask you: when you look into your future, what do you see? Please accompany me through this column. I and millions of our American brothers & sisters have something very important to tell you. You just have to promise not to keep it a secret. Do you remember the morning of September 11th, 2001? We all kissed our loved ones goodbye that morning. We came home that night, but because of Muslims living among us, who in their minds, were commanded by their God to commit murder against us, 3,000 people didn’t. Since that rotten day, with terror-related arrests, convictions, and deportations of Muslims residing in America, and with everything else we have learned, our government still insists on telling us that Islam is a “religion of peace.” Are we supposed to believe that all Muslims in America differ from the Muslims wreaking havoc all over the world? I know a few ex-Muslims who are eager to share their knowledge with everyone:

Perhaps you don’t feel that Muslims pose a threat. After all, they’re polite, they smile at you, and they’re soft-spoken, right?

Qur’an: "Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians as friends, for they are friends with one another." (Surah 5:51)

Were you aware that some Muslims residing inside our borders consistently insist that accommodations be made for them even if their demands disrupt American communities, or American businesses’ production schedules?

Did you know that several Muslim “Charities” operating inside the U.S. have been shut down by our government for funneling money to terrorist networks?

When their demands are refused, they accuse us of “religious intolerance.” And even though they’ve broken a city ordinance, or other policies, our “leaders” give in.

Not all Muslims are bad people. Then again, we discover issues like this:

We’re told that a prominent American Muslim was quoted as saying: "I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future...But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.”

Through education? They’ve been speaking in our schools all over the country, talking to our kids. Is this just a coincidence?

2002: Excelsior Elementary School in Byron, California required seventh-grade students to pretend they're Muslims, wear Islamic clothing, memorize verses from the Qur’an, pray to Allah and even to play "jihad games" in California public schools.

Recently, at Irmo High School, Columbia, SC, a public school teacher, who is Muslim:

• Required the students to create a pamphlet, which would teach people about Islam.

• Told students that the United States is a 'Judeo-Christian-Muslim' nation…according to the beliefs of the founding fathers.

Infidels, is this what you want? Is this what you pay taxes for?

Earlier, I asked you what you see when you look into your future.
Imagine a few of the possibilities in an Islamic State:

• Being forced to renounce your current faith and convert to Islam, or being tortured for refusing.

• Public flogging if you’re caught drinking alcohol.

• Even if you haven’t stolen anything, “religious police” may beat a confession out of you. If they’re successful, say goodbye to your right hand: it’s about to be lopped off with a sword.

• Rape victims being hanged in public for criticizing an Islamic Judge.

Even our “Saudi friends” demonstrate the compassionate, tolerant side of Islam:

It’s called Shari’ah law. Isn’t it a marvelous picture? Is this what American Veterans have fought for, what we’ve worked for, or what we elect people to public office for?

Our unwillingness to fall for the “peaceful religion” facade is labeled “Islamophobia.” Here are some facts you won’t see in the mainstream media with regard an “Islamophobia” seminar recently held at the United Nations:

In truth, if Muslims are really honest and peaceful, there should be no need to ask for our tolerance.

Although not all Muslims are odious, some have openly expressed their desire for global conversion to Islam. Having the mindset that “it’ll never happen here” is very dangerous: if we don’t protect our culture, happen it will. Europe is already having substantial problems with Muslims demanding that Shari’ah laws be implemented there.

There’s a threat living among us. We can stop it, but it’s going to take some hard work to undo the mess that political correctness and open border policies have created. Contacting your school boards, town councils, Mayors, Judges, and State and Federal elected officials. Let them know that you know, and that they can be replaced with people who’ll look out for you — not infiltrators from foreign lands expecting you to change your culture to theirs.
We, the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. (The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States)

Our founding fathers obviously possessed more forethought than their modern day successors. Muslims wanting to replace our Constitution with Islamic law should immediately be plucked from our society and shipped off to live in a nation that is already Islamic. With the exception of the Holy Bible and New Testament, the United States Constitution is our most sacred document. We must protect it at all costs, against all assaults. Give anyone who tells you that they’re offended by America or by Christianity directions to the airport!

Always remember: This is your country; let no one take it from you. Cherish your arms, and your right to bear them.

Now it's your turn to pass it on!


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