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Sunday, December 19, 2004

“Interview us or we will kill you”

The mounting evidence of the Islamists’ manner of shaping how the world views them and Islam is echoed in the chilling words, “Interview us or we will kill you”. Soon after issuing this warning, a commander thought again and issued another warning, “Broadcast that and we will kill you,” they told the 30-year-old television journalist Mohammed Abdul Razzaq.

The operative word here is kill: say this or we will kill you, don’t say that or we will kill you. Freedom of speech has always been suppressed under Islam. The death of Theo Van Gogh is another example of how modern Islam continues in the centuries-old vein of mind control through intimidation.

Morality police, thought police are rampant throughout the Muslim world, keeping the population under their thumb to toe the Islamic line. Now the thought police in the form of jihadis are roaming free throughout the world, threatening and killing Muslims, Apostates, and non-Muslims that dare to offer a criticism or an opinion that is contrary to Islam, or, in this case, to truthfully depict what is going on, the willful attempt to prevent the upcoming elections in Iraq.

The pattern is abundantly clear: wherever Muslims become dominant, freedom of action, speech, and even thought is eliminated through intimidation and violence.

Hattip: JihadWatch


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