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Saturday, December 18, 2004

The Cat Is Out of the Bag: Now We Know the Reason Why the E.U. Wants Turkey

The Cat Is Out of the Bag: Now We Know the Reason Why the E.U. Wants Turkey
Brussels leaders name a date for final talks on admitting the European Union's first Muslim member.

Advocates of the European Union as a fully fledged superpower have predicted that the addition of Turkey's military would make it a true global player.

The Europeans are anxious to foil what they see as the hegemony of the United States that arose after World War II

Ankara's forces are greater than those of France and Britain combined, with 514,000 men under arms and 380,000 in reserve, plus a robust air force with American fighters.

A NATO official described the forces as "very experienced and well-trained", after years of battles against Kurdish guerillas.

What European npn-Muslim leaders don’t realize is that they will be swept aside in favor of mullahs and sheikhs.

When confronted with the possibility of losing the French throne that was only offered to Catholics, Henry of Navarre a Huguenot, remarked as he converted to Catholicism: “Paris is worth a mass.” One wonders how many of Europe’s elite will conveniently convert (revert) to Islam to hold onto their status and wealth. Cruelly and cynically they are selling out the populations whom they are supposed to protect for the purpose of blocking the United States, a country that, in two World Wars, saved them from tyranny and subjegation. There is no gratitude from salvaged; only spite and resentment.

As for the adding Turkey to the E.U. to thwart the Americans, the E.U. should heed the old maxim: “Cutting off your nose to spite your face,” as bringing in Turkey out of spite is a suicidal act for Europeans.

The Turkish army in command of French nuclear weapons is a sobering thought. It appears that Europeans are so spiteful that they don't care what they unleash on the world as long as it thwarts American power.

Hat tip: JihadWatch

Sensible Comments:

‘"Turkey's military, should it wished, could conceivably march on Europe", he said "Yes but we have France and they are nuclear." My reply was that France will be a Muslim majority country within a generation.

Of course this could only work when the ingredients are right. Turkey in the EU, France and the Netherlands dhimmified/Islamified and America "anti-Zionist" and less than 50 percent of its founding population. Then we could see the vision of Islam in all of its dreadful reality unleashed upon the world.

Now it all makes sense. Assuming the EU idiots are using this logic, do they expect Turkey to be an ally, not a threat? Didn't Qadaffi of Libya specify what their true intentions are in a moment of refreshing honesty, when he said the entire Islamic world views this as a Trojan horse to [interject Islam into ]?

Isn't this what the Roman's did before their civilization went belly-up? Didn't they farm out their dirty work to others (in this case protection in the form of the fox guarding the hen house) who took an "oath of loyalty" to Rome to protect it in exchange for such perks as accelerated citizenship, and participating in Roman economic prosperity?’

“If I was a young islamist I would join the Turkish army now, so that in the 40-50 years it might take me to rise to become a top Turkish General, I could make a grab for Brussels. Such a coup may seem unthinkable now but in 40-50 years time it may not be so hard to achieve in a vastly more islamified and fractured Europe. There are certainly Islamists thinking about this possibility as they boast about such takeovers regularly.


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