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Thursday, November 10, 2005

The European Intifada

The riots in France and in other parts of Europe, an "intifada," or popular uprising, is merely the resuming of the Jihad in Europe that started more than 1,000 years ago. The fact that the Muslim invasion was repulsed and an interval of more five hundred years has elapsed is of no consequence in the minds of Muslims that are still smarting from the results of the Crusades that ended in 1291, the expulsion of the Moors from Spain in 1492, and the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Caliphate, in 1924: Muslims hold a grudge.

That the new offensive is starting in France is not a coincidence as, ironically, the "Islamic march up the Iberian Peninsula to conquer Europe ended in 732" with Charles Martel against the Moorish general Abd al-Rahman. The effort to conquer Europe was only put on hold:

There is a certain schadenfreude in the scenes of the rioting in France , a gleeful, malicious pleasure that comes from knowing that there is always payback for bad behavior, whether in this world or the next.  
Ironically, France is where the Islamic march up the Iberian Peninsula to conquer Europe ended in 732 AD. Had not Charles Martel stopped the Moorish general, Abd al-Rahman and his Muslim army between Tours and Poitier, Europe and the whole of Western history would have been very different. Later, in 1492, a Christian army would recapture Grenada and put an end to the last Muslim stronghold in Spain . In 1683, Ottoman armies were defeated outside of Vienna , thus ending the efforts to conquer Europe. 

One would think, if life in Muslim North Africa “the Maghreb” was so grand, why would literally millions of immigrants have sought to gain access to Europe ? The former European colonies have been independent for more than a half-century. Surely they represent a far more homogeneous environment that the cold climes of Europe, but the reality is that Muslim enclaves have been growing in places like England , the Netherlands , Norway , Germany , for decades.
The difference between the Muslims who made new lives in new places and others is that they choose not to integrate into their new societies. They remained Muslims first and last, no matter what nation they called home. Their loyalty was to the “Uumma”, the great body of Islam, not a particular nation. They choose not to be English, French, or Dutch. They defined themselves in ways that insured they remained “the other” among those who took pride in their particular nation. 

As Tony Blankely, a Washington Times editor and author of a new book, “The West’s Last Chance”, noted in a November 9 commentary, “This is not about Muslim poverty. It is about radical Islamist self-confidence and contempt for the West. And, it is about Western weakness.” 

Read the rest.