Mr. Contrition Skips Concord for Boston
Have you had your daily journalistic enema? If not, take this, from the Washington Post. Thanks to CAIR for alerting us to it, through their Daily Whine for today.
Mr. Hooper, it looks like time for you to pour a scotch, have another pork roast sandwich, and go play in the traffic.
As for the rest of Boston, pour a scotch, make another pork sandwich, and enjoy Michael Graham, like the rest of normal people do.
Mr. Contrition Skips Concord for Boston
By Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts
Tuesday, November 15, 2005; C3
Michael Graham , the pugnacious radio yakker fired from WMAL-AM this summer after calling Islam a "terrorist organization," has landed at a Boston talk radio station.
"All I can say is, somebody better buy Ted Kennedy a drink," the former conservative campaign consultant exulted on his Web site.
We couldn't reach Graham before he debuted his afternoon drive time show on WTKK-FM yesterday. But in an e-mail to Post columnist Marc Fisher, he bragged: "Better gig, better station, better time slot, better money."
In a July 25 WMAL show, Graham repeatedly called the world's second-largest faith a terrorist group and said "moderate Muslims are those who only want to kill Jews." The comments drew immediate complaints from the Council on American-Islamic Relations as well as advertisers; Graham was suspended, then let go after he refused to apologize. He wrote on his Web site that he got a half-dozen job offers after his firing. "FINAL SCORE: Free Speech 1; Angry Islamic Radicals and the Radio Management Weasels Who Cater To Them, 0."
Matt Mills, VP and general manager for WTKK, said in a statement: "Michael has an edge to him that is going to captivate the Boston community like no one else."
But Ibrahim Hooper, a CAIR spokesman, said the group will be keeping tabs. "The radio listeners in Boston will judge what he says, and if he repeats it I think he'll be repudiated in the same way he was repudiated by the people in Washington."
At Wed Nov 16, 04:12:00 AM PST,
Always On Watch said…
I saw this item last night in the Washington Post (I didn't get to the paper until the evening). How gratifying to see that one high-profile station isn't cowardly. I'm still fuming about WMAL's/ABC's/Disney's dhimmitude last summer.
And for Hooper's information, Graham was not repudiated by the people of Washington! CAIR played the power card by contacting the station's sponsors.
At Wed Nov 16, 08:49:00 AM PST,
George Mason said…
Doesn't Hooper remind you of those goody-goodies in grade school who hovered around the teacher and couldn't wait to turn in you and anyone else for infractions, real and imagined, of conduct? They were smug and always took the "moral high ground." Hooper is always trying to put himself and CAIR on the "moral high ground," or at least what he and they want it to be. Somehow, the fantasy of seeing him on a huge platter with an apple in his mouth just tickles me.
Boston is full of Hoopers. It needs Michael Graham and all of what he says, since he has it right about Islam. More power to him, and I join your salute to the station. It should not be an issue of courage, not in what used to be called the "cradle of liberty" before it converted itself to the opposite, but it is. We will applaud that kind of courage wherever we find it.
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