The War On Terror Is A Misnomer
by Isaiah Grant
The war on terror is a misnomer. Terror is a tactic employed by the terrorist to accomplish a poltical end.
Since September 11, 2001, the United States has been at war with an evil doctrine. This evil doctrine is fundamental Islam - Islam as revealed in Islamic scriptures.
These scriptures are comprised of the Qur'an (the immutable word of Allah revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel) and Hadith/Sunnah (sayings, deeds, and traditions of Islam's lone prophet, Muhammad).
The oldest and most respected sources documenting Muhammad's creation include:
- Ibn Ishaq's Sira (biography)
- al-Tabari's Tar'ikh (history)
- Al-Bukhari's Hadith (The True Traditions)
- Muslim's Hadith Collections
- The Qur'an
Can you imagine, if during WW2, the United States was at war with 'blitzkrieg' rather than Nazism?
Political Correctness and moral equivalence have blinded politicians, bureaucrats, the clergy, academicians and the media. Most importantly, PC has blinded the populace in general.
We see the President of the United States calling Islam a "religion of peace" and welcoming Imams to the White House to confer. Most recently, President Bush - in his State Of the Union Address - praised several terrrorist nations/entities including: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the Palestinian Authority while scolding Iran and Syria. This is not only short sighted and hypocritical, but dangerous as well.
Until we can name identify the enemy of civilization clearly and without equivocation, we are all in jeopardy.
The term "Islam" means submission.
Islam is not a religion of peace.
The Qur'an is a terrorist manifesto.
The Hadith is a declaration of war against mankind.
Muhammad, Islam's lone prophet was a: genocidal murderer, war mongerer, liar, thief, pirate, pedophile, slave trader, misogynist and demagogue.
Fundamental Islam implicates itself. These are some quotations from Islamic scripture.
Noble Qur'an 2:190 Footnote: "Jihad is holy fighting in Allah's Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad, Islam is established, Allah's Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshipped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad, Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior postion: their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies a hypocrite."
Qur'an 47:4 "So when you clash with the unbelieving infidels in battle (fighting Jihad in Allah's Cause), smite their necks until you overpower them, killing and wounding many of them. At length, when you have thoroughly subdued them, bind them firmly, making them captives. Thereafter either generosity or ransom (them based upon what benefits Islam) until the war lays down its burderns. Thus you are commanded by Allah to continue carrying out Jihad against the unbelieving infidels until they submit to Islam."
Ishaq: 327 "Allah said, 'A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion."
Qur'an 8:67 "It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisioners until he has made a great slaughter in the land."
Bukhari: V4B52N220 "Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been made victorious with terror."'
Tabari VIII: 141 "The battle cry of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah that night was: 'Kill, Kill, Kill!'"
Qur'an 5:33 "The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and His prophet and make mischief in the land, is to murder them, crucify them, or cut off a hand and foot on opposite sides... their doom is dreadful. They will not escape the fire, suffering constantly."
Qur'an 2:61 "Humiliation and wretchedness were stamped on the Jews and they were visited with Allah's wrath."
Ishaq: 240 "The Jews are a nation of liars...The Jews are a treacherous, lying, and evil people."
Qur'an 33:26 "Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before."
Qur'an 4:55 "Sufficient for the Jew is the Flaming Fire!"
Ishaq: 364 "Muslims, take not the Jews and Christians as friends. Whoever protects them becomes one of them, they become diseased, and will earn a similar fate."
The aforementioned quotes are but a smattering of what can be found in Islamic scripture.
Fundamental Islam is a vile doctrine.
Allah is not the same God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
Allah is a satanic spirit.
Muhammad was a demonic man, possessed by the same spirt as Adolf Hitler.
Good Muslims who adhere to Islamic scripture are, by definition, terrorists. Muslims who do not adhere to Islamic Scripture are, by definition, hypocrites - and therefore face the same fate as infidels. There is no such entity as moderate Islam. Moderate Muslims do not exist (they are hypocrites if they are being sincere). To conceal the true nature of Muhammad and Islamic scripture is to whitewash evil incarnate and to deceive the masses.
Fundamental Islam is as hateful and dangerous- if not more so- than Nazism. To allow evil to proliferate and propagate in our midst is, in itself, evil and totally lacking in compassion, not to mention intelligence.
Deu: 18 commands us not to tolerate false teachings, false doctrines and false prophets. We are to be intolerant of that which is intolerable.
We must not allow the forces of political correctness, moral equivalence and moral relativism to obfuscate the reality of a deadly doctrine. To do so is suicidal.
"Isaiah Grant," exclusive to, is a Pulmonary/Critical Care Physican who lives in the Southwest United States. He is an ardent Zionist and wholehearedly supports Israel. Isaiah believes the Israeli government should design a constitution and have greater checks and balances. He can be reached at
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